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Anyone ever consider using this in place of mobius

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No, because:


1. Flip Effect monsters are unbearably slow and vulnerable to removal.

2. Mobius has no place in the main deck, so there's no need to replace him.

3. Being unable to destroy face-up Spells and Traps is bad when some of the biggest targets you'd want to destroy (LLAB/GB/MOP/D-Fissure/Macro are some of the main reasons you'd side Mobius in) spend their time face-up.

4. 2400 ATK beatstick > 650 ATK beatstick

5. The tribute that Mobius needs is irrelevant, since Monarch decks always have plenty of tribute fodder available.

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No' date=' because:


1. Flip Effect monsters are unbearably slow and vulnerable to removal.

2. Mobius has no place in the main deck, so there's no need to replace him.

3. Being unable to destroy face-up Spells and Traps is bad when some of the biggest targets you'd want to destroy (LLAB/GB/MOP/D-Fissure/Macro are some of the main reasons you'd side Mobius in) spend their time face-up.

4. 2400 ATK beatstick > 650 ATK beatstick

5. The tribute that Mobius needs is irrelevant, since Monarch decks always have plenty of tribute fodder available.



I think Crab summed it up very well. Mobius is much better than Greenkappa.

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Greenkappa is only useful to destroy certain traps, like Sakuretsu and MF. But traps that can be used anytime, and most of the Quick-Play magic cards, can just chain to it.

Also, to avoid that it activates too late, you might set it before you use it to flip it whenever you want and have a tribute fodder as well, but your opponent can just attack it and you might have to destroy your own traps.

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