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I, too, would like to express my interest. My app may take a while, but I'll do my best to have it done in a timely fashion.

...Tbh, I'm kinda intimidated by all the competition, particularly since a large number of them are this site's best RPers. Looks like I'll have to step up my game to match.


That's cos it's an RP by one of the sites best hosts; Blu's RPs generally are a competition.

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[spoiler=Satoru Fukui: 'The Perfect Joker']


"I see Order in Chaos, Balance in Disproportion, Patterns in Randomness. Everything fits the pattern, everything fits the order, no matter how hard you oppose it."

Personal Information
Username: The Perfect Joker
Name: Satoru Fukui
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 15/9 (Sept 15th)
Blood Type: B+
Hobby(s): Satoru is first and foremost a fan of knowledge, and will accumulate as much knowledge as possible from any resources. He takes great pleasure in reading, from the smallest of irrelevant books to grand tomes & complex thesises. He occupies himself with Astronomy a lot of the time, and has a great fascination with space; he also expresses a lot of interest in mathematics and the like - it being the thing he is most talented with. He writes short stories as well, though not commonly. He can play many instruments, but enjoys Piano and guitar particularly, owning one of each, which he will play when he is not busy with other things. He takes part in multiple sporting activities, most notably enjoying parkour; however, he does not partake in actual free-running, instead participating only in a safe controlled environment; he doesn't call it a hobby, per sey, taking part mostly to keep himself fit and healthy.
High School Year: 3rd Year

Satoru stands at a respectable 5'11 with a pretty average, if perhaps a bit skinny, build. His musculature is rather defined, but only slightly exceeds the national average in actual mass. He possesses moderate body strength, mostly due to his frequent parkour exercises. His school uniform is always pristine, neatly ironed and perfectly arranged, with a straight tie and perfectly polished shoes. His hair is the only thing he seems to have trouble taming, which has resulted in him giving up and merely leaving it in its dishevelled, rough state.

Outside of school, his attire relaxes slightly, being a lot less professional and more casual. He generally dons a simple, mono-colour t-shirt underneath a - never clashing - shirt, unbuttoned. He also wears a pair of simple, denim jeans and some black & white trainers/sneakers.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality:]Satoru is what should realistically be called 'Borderline OCD', though many would merely skip the borderline part. He is a very neat individual, keeping almost everything in a perfect pattern and in order. He dislikes chaos, disorder, and a lack of patterns, and often attempts to find patterns in everything and anything.

He has a rather logical, mathematical, and orderly mind, counting himself as one of the rare 'mathematical genii' that occur every so often. He 'sees' numbers, being able to actually find the patterns he searches for, even in seemingly random objects or series.


Psychological issues aside, Satoru is a generally well-mannered and polite individual, who doesn't show much negativity towards others at all. He seems to oppose hostility, and prefers diplomatic solutions to violence. He is friendly to all he sees, and unless you do something that completely opposes his moral viewpoints, he will show you kindness and will defend you as he sees fit.

He shows a large amount of confidence in himself, and often moves to take charge in most situations, generally out of the need to keep everything to plan and in order. He doubts himself very little, and shows very little modesty in this, believing himself to almost be a 'higher being' than others, due to his superior intellect, and while he is nice and respects others, he believes they are generally lower than him, and is much more likely to doubt his allies than himself. Though this is not always negative; often, this results in him assuming responsibility for others, taking on their burdens for he imagines he is better qualified to handle them.


He can be very uptight and strict about rule-breaking, and while he may not have any official power in the school, he has gained enough respect amongst the faculty and the students to facilitate him occasionally giving out actual punishments, without any opposition from teachers, and many students in younger years fear him, as well as respect him.[/spoiler]

Combat Information
[spoiler=Weapon(s):]N/A No weaponry. More powers instead.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Power(s):]Phasing: As a Joker, Satoru is able to utilize Phasing to go between the two realms at will.

Spatial Shift: A common ability among human and spirit Jokers, this power allows for Jokers to perform extraordinary feats of acrobatics such as jumping incredibly high and far, dodging speeding objects and attacks, levitating and flying, and even instant teleporting by means of manipulating space. When using Spatial Shift, a Joker displaces his/her position in space and shifts himself/herself to a new part of space. This shift can be gradual (a high jump) or instant (teleportation) and will appear accordingly. A Joker can also suspend his/her position in space (levitation) and continue to move while still being suspended (flying). Each shift (except for suspended shifts) is accompanied by the flickering of a golden luminescence under a Joker's feet.


Ghosting: For a short period of time, Satoru is able to position himself in both the Material world and Limbo at the same time, becoming visible but intangible in both realms. Currently this power can only be active for a few seconds at most, and has a rather lengthy half hour long 'cooldown', but both these will eventually improve.


Telekinesis: Satoru can extend his use of spatial shift onto other objects, albeit in a much weaker form. Teleporting objects not directly touching him remains impossible, and he struggles to affect the overall shifting of an object as much as he can himself, but it does allow him to cause objects to levitate and be thrown without contact. This is also accompanied by a flickering of a golden luminescence, but briefly around the affected object, as opposed to the Joker.

Eventually, he may be able to teleport objects, and perhaps even affect people with this ability. He might also be able to move more than 1 object at a time, a current limitation of his.


Foresight: A form of clairvoyance, this ability enhances his already incredible mathematical talent to the point where he can visualise patterns in the very fabric of existance and from that, predict minute movements a few seconds ahead of their occurance. This ability is incredibly taxing on his mind, and while it can be sustained for a lengthy amount of time, the longer it is used, the more damaging it is to his mental health. He will normally need rest after using it for more than 5 minutes.

An ability that is very difficult to improve, he may eventually gain a larger length of time without drawbacks, and perhaps might develop the ability to the point where he can predict a few minutes in advance.


Ultimate Defense: The ability to produce incredibly dense and durable telekinetic 'shields'; visible sections of air similar in appearance to glass or prisms, which take an incredible amount of force to shatter. These shields can be summoned at will, and can sometimes even pop up instinctively, to protect Satoru from possible fatal attacks.

Currently, the Shields only tend to form with gestures from Satoru's hand, limiting him in his protectiveness. However, these 'shields' can expand to a diameter of 1.41421356237m, and almost exclusively form in a circular shape. He cannot summon them outside of a 3m radius of himself.

The shield sizes and the radius within which they can be summoned will obviously increase with time, as will their durability. With time, he may also be able to control the shape of the 'shields', possibly even changing their use to create weaponry. [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Special Attack(s):]Predictive Counter: While not necessarily an 'attack', he can predict an opponents movements while utilising his 'foresight' power, and think of the most useful counter to their attack, which could be counted as a 'special' move of his.


No More Pulling Punches: Satoru forms a 'shield' in front of his fist, allowing him to punch as hard as he can muster (decently hard) without having to worry about any recoil or damage he might take from the punch. It also allows him to fight sharp weapons and the like without having to worry about them injuring his hands.


Feint: Satoru summons two shields in front of him to protect himself from attack, before Ghosting. This makes both the shields and himself intangible before impact, though still visible, and allow him to get behind his opponent, leaving them vulnerable to attack.


Between a Rock and a Hard place: Satoru summons two shields facing each other and slams them together. The force of the impact is rather limited to his own physical strength at the moment, but it should increase in power as his powers increase.[/spoiler]

Other Information

~Satoru can mean 'Knowledgeable', 'Wise' or 'Perceptive', while Fukui is often interpreted as 'fortunate'.

~Satoru is severely allergic to apples, and proclaims that he has 'yet to discover any other weakness' that he possesses.

~He enjoys looking at beautiful scenery and natural surroundings, but settles for pictures of the scenes due to the risks involved.

~Consistently tops the school's scores for Mathematics, and is one of the top students over all in the school.

~He has joined the trip to the abandoned building as more of a protector than anything else, trying to keep the students safe, though he cannot deny he is interested in the building and any secrets he may hold.

~While it may not be expected, he is a surprisingly large metal fan, not that he reveals it to many people.[/spoiler]




Only really got the personality to finish off. Sounds terrible at the moment, so I think I'll read over it either later tonight or tomorrow and edit/finish. Rest of it should be good. Was kinda having a similar thought to Admiral, in that he leans more towards one side to the other. However, I assume Admiral was heading towards 'chaos'; my guy is definitely more 'order' orientated.

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Thank you everyone for expressing your interest in my RP. I'm looking forward to reading some seriously amazing apps, and once again, it seems like my job of picking participants will not be an easy one ^^

Neph, it may not be 3 who gets to leave. I hinted at a possible four ;)

Majoras, it has been but I know you can still fully deliver

ListenToLife, I hope you don't mind if I call you KC cause that's how I remember you back in the days. Thank you for the kind words and don't think I don't know that you're also one of the greats :D

EDIT: Ninja'd by Chaos... You're welcome buddy!

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Thank you everyone for expressing your interest in my RP. I'm looking forward to reading some seriously amazing apps, and once again, it seems like my job of picking participants will not be an easy one ^^

Neph, it may not be 3 who gets to leave. I hinted at a possible four ;)

Majoras, it has been but I know you can still fully deliver

ListenToLife, I hope you don't mind if I call you KC cause that's how I remember you back in the days. Thank you for the kind words and don't think I don't know that you're also one of the greats :D

EDIT: Ninja'd by Chaos... You're welcome buddy!


One of the greats? Hardly, I'm just here for the fun. But I'm surprised I'm not Magnet or MS to you, back from the old, old days. :D

Anyways, hows the app coming along, do you think?

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[spoiler=Sadao Rikuto - The Determined Joker]

"I don't care if it takes me a lifetime...I'll figure this out! That's the nature of my spirit!! My determinate Spirit!!"

Personal Information
Username: Determined Joker
Name: Sadao Rikuto (Lit. 貞雄 陸人 Rikuto Sadao)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: September 13th
Blood Type: A

  • Reading Manga (Mainly Action/Adventure)
  • Parkour (Anything goes with him)
  • Girls (Looking at them, just not to the point of perv)
  • Helping his friends out
  • Anything NOT School related

High School Year: 2nd Year student


Sadao stands at the height of 5'10, with a slight slimming build. He has gained muscular features, some not noticeable, thanks to his active-self with his parkour adventures. His school uniform is somewhat neat (not too much), but whenever he gets in fights, its the most his uniform gets messed up. Despite his look, he wears the tie with the uniform, although he leaves it where its just hanging from his neck instead of the normal choking. Rather that, he wears his favorite necklaces which are always around his neck, with a matching wristband on his right wrist (even though the High School's faculty disapproves).


Outside of the high school, Sadao relaxes in a pair of black jeans with holes in the knees. For his shirt, he wears a gray t-shirt with a short-sleeved indigo hoodie over top of it. On his feet are a pair of faded black converse that he favors for his parkour adventures. With this, he still wears his necklaces/wristband affects.



Sadao may seem like the one to get into trouble everyday and shirk any type of work at first glance, but in all actuality, he isn't. The only time he's in any fight of any kind is to defend the honor/integrity of his friends and that's all. As for work, if he has nothing else better to do, it'll be the first thing on his list. When it comes to his friends, Sadao opens up to them with anything (be it with jokes, events about the days, etc.) and even says that they can do the same with him. With Sadao being this way, he is usually the guy that is one of those friendly types of people, however he is usually cautious about new students/people, as he's met people before that stabbed him in the back two weeks later...because of that, it's scarred him to this point. A unique characteristic of Sadao happens to be the strong will and determination he has. Others may have this, but it runs short as they give up on anything in three tries, not Sadao. If it takes him a long time, so be it: that's his attitude and it's helped him through many things.[/spoiler]

Combat Information

Scythe (The Shade of Dusk): Sadao can call from the manipulated matter a scythe to bring into the heat of battle. This happens to be the main weapon Sadao utilizes his power's through, like Yukio's katana. However, with the Shade of Dusk, he's able to allow his attacks and strikes flow together than using other weapons.



Phasing: As a Joker, Sadao, uses this ability to phase between the two realms.


Spatial Shift: A common ability among human and spirit Jokers, this power allows for Jokers to perform extraordinary feats of acrobatics such as jumping incredibly high and far, dodging speeding objects and attacks, levitating and flying, and even instant teleporting by means of manipulating space. When using Spatial Shift, a Joker displaces his/her position in space and shifts himself/herself to a new part of space. This shift can be gradual (a high jump) or instant (teleportation) and will appear accordingly. A Joker can also suspend his/her position in space (levitation) and continue to move while still being suspended (flying). Each shift (except for suspended shifts) is accompanied by the flickering of a golden luminescence under a Joker's feet.


Gravity Gear: With the a snap of his fingers, on contact there is a spark that is seen. That spark is the small manipulation of time and space, allowing Sadao's ability to be active. After the snap, he needs to just say the desired target or location, and suddenly the Earth's gravity is reversed: light objects become heavy and heavy objects become light for thirty seconds. This ability won't affect the other Jokers, unless Sadao specifies it. Because of this, Sadao allows the Jokers to use this to their advantages. However, he must say the location/target verbally for the ability to work (thinking the location/target must take complete focus and A LOT of training) The main downside to this ability, is that once Sadao uses it, he is immobilized until the thirty seconds are up.


[spoiler=Special Attack(s):]

Kyōmei (共振 Lit. Resonance): Sadao places his hands on the scythe and closes his eyes. The scythe begins to shine with a blue aura, as energy is stored into it. This move is one that doesn't attack, but rather prepares for the strike, as it builds up enough energy into it.


Mikadzuki (三日月Lit. Crescent Moon): Rushing towards the opponent, Sadao slashes the scythe upwards to launch a crescent moon shaped energy blast. Similar to Yukio's Suzumebachi, Sadao can control the path the blast takes. However, if he takes too long, the energy blast will begin to shrink in shape.


Tsuki no ījisu (月のイージス Lit. Aegis of the Moon): Sadao's defensive move, in which he spins his scythe in front of him. Once this is done, a barrier emerges in front of Sadao. When the barrier is up, Sadao can cease the spinning, which will give the barrier exactly a minute to protect those behind it from the opponent's attacks.


Wakatta! (分かった! Lit. Gotcha!): With scythe in hand, Sadao rushes towards his opponent, but instead of the normal slash he stops and then throws it towards the opponent by the use of Spatial Shift. Once its thrown, by the use of Spatial Shift, he teleports himself behind the enemy, catching the scythe as it comes to him and deals a close range blow to his opponent.


Jōkā Kyōmei - Akuma no Dansu (ジョーカー 共振 - 悪魔のダンス Lit. Joker Resonance - Devil's Dance): The final attack, used only in the direst of moments/to end it. Sadao returns to a Kyomei stance, as he does it normally, however there is a slight difference. Below his feet, a bright rectangle appears underneath him, having the appearance of a playing card: specifically the Joker. In the instant the bright playing card appears, it engulfs Sadao in a blue light as he disappears for a short instant, as he returns with his scythe blade enlarged. Once this is done, a faint sound of music plays around Sadao (only he can hear it) and only lasts thirty seconds. In that time limit, Sadao begins to move in the movements of a dance, one that fluidly moves with the faint music he hears. If done properly, the opponent should badly injured and unable to fight, perhaps even out of energy. The cooldown, however takes two days for it to recharge.


Other Information

  • Sadao (貞雄) is translated as "Righteous Hero" while Rikuto (陸人) is Japanese for "Person of land".
  • His favorite food is hot and spicy curry with rice (his usual lunch).
  • Sadao's favorite season is Summer.
  • His final attack is based off of Witch Hunter from Soul Eater.
  • Main Theme & Battle Theme[/spoiler]
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Is hall get to work on an app for this interesting looking role play made by the one named blu

[spoiler=app WIP]
"Calm down and see the brighter side of things."

Personal Information
Username: Relaxed Joker
Name: Mayu Juri
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: September 5
Blood Type: B-
Hobby: Danceing
High School Year: 2nd year
[spoiler=Appearance: ]
She has short black hair and has almost black eyes. She stands at 5'6" and has a very slender build to her body. She also wears her school uniform in a very neat fashion and likes to keep it organized. Outside of school, she has been know to where skinny jeans and a blouse that matched. She has a chocker that she wears around her neck at all times. She also wears a bracket on her left arm that matches her chocker.

Personality: Mayu has a tendency to want to take care of problems on her own even when there is no chance for her to succeed. She is kind to all individuals even if she had problems with them in the past. She loves to relax when she can. It gives her the sensation of being able to think and gather new thoughts on a situation. She can be very to herself when it comes to tough times in her life. She loves to be able to stick to a certian plan. She loves to dance and will practice it when she can.

Combat Information
Special Attack(s):

Other Information

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Was kinda having a similar thought to Admiral, in that he leans more towards one side to the other. However, I assume Admiral was heading towards 'chaos'; my guy is definitely more 'order' orientated.



Nope, I was going for an 'order freak' as well.



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First app of the RP? Gotta count for something, right?
EDIT: Oh god damnit work, I missed my chance to be the glorious champion of character creation.  First poster; of course I'm the glorious champion.


EDIT 2, Electric Boogaloo: Well, here's my crack at it. Hope you like it.


EDIT 3: YCM broke my coding. Don't read this until Edit 4 when I tell you the coding actually works again plz.


EDIT 4: Well, did what I could, YCM is hell bent on breaking my spoilers so I had to leave what wouldn't go out. It's fully formatted to the best of my ability now, enjoy.


[spoiler=Kumiko Ai, the Tender Joker] 
[spoiler=Personal Information]
Username: Tender Joker
Name: Kumiko Ai
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: March 17th
Blood Type: B
Hobby(s): Cheering, doing Makeup/Hair and in secret, playing various Trading Card Games and reading about the supernatural.
High School Year: 3rd year
[spoiler=Appearance] (Pshhhh, pictures are for pansies. I will paint pictures in your mind, and  uh, also link a lot of keywords.) Ai looks like what any "queen of the class" would be expected to look like; she was the best looking girl this generation had to offer, and she was in with all of the latest Western fashion. This was, of course, when she was not sporting her class uniform of a blazer and short skirt. Ai was of course different, but just enough inside of the lines that everyone in the class didn't think she was a freak. Her bob cut resembled Taylor Swift, the hottest sensation in Takano City at the time. Of course, hers was black; the natural blonde color was hard to achieve with dyes and, truth be told, she liked it better this way, as the dark color went perfect with her light brown eyes to her. Having an American born father meant that Ai was a half-Japanese, half white mixture, and so she had many physical features of a woman who was born in America. She was rather tall, at about 6'1", and has fantastic curves to complement her attractive legs. Her hourglass figure is complimented by a 36C cup size (For reference, that's Angelina Jolie's cup size). Of course, these generally beautiful, sexy features that Ai has have made her fit into the preppy crowd quite well, so any liberties she is able to take with her uniform would follow any modern prep fashion.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality] Ai, despite her incredibly snobbish, preppy appearance and beauty, is not that bad of a person... well, not that anybody would know that. The only reason she is even popular in the first place is because she destroyed her now ex-best friend's social life and reputation to get there. Boy was it sweet at the time, but now that she's had time to reflect on it, and see what she's done, she regrets it more than anything else in her entire life. Being queen bee in Kumagawa High isn't easy, especially when everyone below your social status knows what you've done to get there, and hates you to the core for it. The few times she has tried to reunite with her old friend of the past, only to get harsh glances and very few words. This has taken a toll on Ai's social abilities, as she is wildly obeidient for the sake of keeping what she has in place. Generally she cares for people, even if they treat her poorly, or if she has made a stupid decision to ice that relationship. Academically, she is about at the middle of the pack in Kumagawa High, with a B+ average, but she knows she could be doing much better. Emotionally, as previously mentioned, Ai is incredibly weak, but she does not know how to solve it, and so she goes about her daily routine the same way she always has. [/spoiler]
Combat Information
Weapon and Powers:[spoiler=Magically imbued hands/gloves/whichever you deem more acceptable] Well, really more emotionally. Her range of strengths and weakness may be subject to change based on what she is feeling, but without any training to harness what she has, she wouldn't know how to create any dramatic difference in the powers based on emotion. This abilities would be more focused around healing and self preservation of those around her, if she can manage it, but in a particularly angry mood, she could be feasible of causing damage with a beam based attack. The major drawback to either side would be that she has absolutely no control over what power she uses, and so could end up doing significantly more harm than good.

Neutral mood: Light Healing of Wounds - Pretty self explanatory
Sad/Sorrow: Self-Drain: At the cost of some of her own life force, she can immensely restore someone's own life.
Rage/Anger:  A beam based attack, resulting in heavy burns for either side involved.
More as they are discovered/thought of


Oh and Phasing, of course. She is a joker, after all.[/spoiler]


Special Attacks
Please, Don't! - In the event of extreme fear or terror, Ai is capable of warping time to a near stop, allowing for someone to be shielded with either energy or even her very own body, of course at the price of a major life force, or in the case of the last option, perhaps her very own existence.
Other Information:

  • Being generally intrigued in the supernatural, she is found on this trip despite the fact that she would not be caught dead with this group of students on a normal basis.
  • Ai tricked her generally stupid group of friend into to daring her to go, in order to save her reputation at school
  • Despite it stemming from a bad reason, Ai sees the new student in the class as perhaps a way to reunite with her best friend of the past, and intends on befriending him at arm's length, in order to protect him from the prep group that she is rotting away with
  • Dating the school's Baseball Captain, as baseball is extremely popular in Japan (It would be the equivalent of dating the football captain here, if you catch my drift.) [/spoiler]
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IMPORTANT: I've added an important NPC to the "Characters" spoiler. He is the Joker Primus that will turn the main characters into Jokers. He will also act as the main group's mentor/guide throughout the RP.

Majoras, first app complete, congratz! And a female character too, nice :D
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Majoras, first app complete, congratz! And a female character too, nice :D


Figured I'd break the mold from all of my handsome macho manz that I've played on this forum. Haha


As I've always said, the characters you feel instead of thinking about are the best ones... lets hope that's actually the case.

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[spoiler=Ryosuke Hajime, the Cheery Joker]
Personal Information
Username: Cheery Joker
Name: Ryosuke Hajime
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: April 9
Blood Type: A+
Hobby(s): Tai chi, free running, reading adventure manga
High School Year: 2nd Year Student
[spoiler=Appearance:](Can't find good pic. Oh, well.)


"Space and time are absolute. There's no denying that, even if its manipulated. All that matters is that you just go with the flow of it."


Ryosuke is average in most physical aspects, except for his wiry frame Despite his thin stature, he is relatively strong due to him actively practicing tai chi and free running. He has scruffy brown hair, like it had been attacked by a cat, and bright emerald eyes. Ryosuke has a faint scar on his chin from his childhood when he was climbing a tree and fell. Ryosuke wears the school's standard uniform with a tie, but leaves the jacket unbuttoned. When he's not in school, Ryosuke has a much more casual and relaxed attire. He wears a plain with shirt with blue linings, with a pair faded black jeans. He also wears a black jacket, similar to a gakuran, but usually ties it around his waist. He also wears a pair of red trainers, as they allow for easy movement for his tai chi.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality:]Ryosuke is a very friendly and easy-going person. He is rather cheerful and almost always has a smile on his face. He is very easy to get along with, as he treats everyone equally. He is not very formal, but his up-beat personality compensates for that. He is usually daydreaming or spacing out, thinking about going out on an adventure leading many people to think of him as an air-head. Despite this, Ryosuke is actually rather smart and could become one of the top students in the school, but he usually gets only average grades, since he would rather being doing something else. On top of this, he is also very athletic since he spends most of his free time practicing tai chi, leading to him having very good health. He could be any sports team and be good at it, but he finds sports pointless.[/spoiler]

Combat Information
[spoiler=Weapon(s):]Bō: Ryosuke can manipulate matter to make a metal bō staff, but prefers to manipulate the matter of a metal pen that he carries around. He can create a multitude of bō staffs, but prefers one as it gives him the perfect balance for fighting. Like Sadao and Yukio, Ryosuke use the staff as a medium for his powers. He can also give his staff a bladed portion, but dislikes doing so as it throws him off balance.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Power(s):]Phasing: As a Joker, Ryosuke is able to utilize Phasing to go between the two realms at will.

Spatial Shift: A common ability among human and spirit Jokers, this power allows for Jokers to perform extraordinary feats of acrobatics such as jumping incredibly high and far, dodging speeding objects and attacks, levitating and flying, and even instant teleporting by means of manipulating space. When using Spatial Shift, a Joker displaces his/her position in space and shifts himself/herself to a new part of space. This shift can be gradual (a high jump) or instant (teleportation) and will appear accordingly. A Joker can also suspend his/her position in space (levitation) and continue to move while still being suspended (flying). Each shift (except for suspended shifts) is accompanied by the flickering of a golden luminescence under a Joker's feet.
Acceleration: A subset of Spatial Shift, giving Ryosuke control of time and space within a certain area that center around him. By manipulating the space and slowing down time around himself and speeding himself, Ryosuke can move at near instantaneous speeds, akin to teleportation. He kicks of the air to gain impulse, thus allowing him to run on air. With the differences in time, Ryosuke appears faster than he actually is. The difference in time allows him to move faster and the space manipulation of the air provides the actual propulsion. Since the impulse is essentially a shockwave, an ally can ride it to move more swiftly, but won't have the advantage of a time difference unless they are in close proximity to Ryosuke. (This can help for visual. Also, Cyborg 009's Acceleration mode, bur can't find a good gif.)[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Special Attack(s):]Spatial Expulsion: Ryosuke's staff becomes enveloped in green energy, as if it was being "charged." He spins his staff around himself, though this isn't necessary, then slams the end of his staff into the ground, or any surface, creating a shockwave. The shockwave moves out in the shape of a sphere, its size depending on how much energy was put into it and how long it was charged. The shockwave expels any form of matter that Ryosuke doesn't want in the sphere.


Repulsion Wave: Ryosuke creates a halberd blade on his staff. The newly created blade begins to glow green energy that slowly expands until it becomes an enlarged version of the original. Using only the impulses from his Acceleration ability, Ryosuke speeds forward and goes for a wide slash. If it misses, he can launch a energy shockwave at the target, but only uses this as a last resort as it consumes all of his energy and he must rest afterward. He dislikes using this technique as it goes against his preference for no blades, so he only uses this as a finishing move.


Repulsion Slash: A simplified version of the Repulsion Wave. One end of Ryosuke's staff glows with green energy. He swings his staff creating a wide arc of green energy.


Repulsing Draw and Resheath: Ryosuke brings his staff, which become enveloped in green energy over to his side and perpendicular to his body, using a backhand grip. By listening and synching with his target's breath, he rapidly "unsheathes," attacks, and "resheathes." The technique leaves behind a trail of green energy.[/spoiler]

Other Information

  • Ryosuke (涼介) is translated as "Good Help," while Hajime (始め) means "Beginning."
  • Ryosuke is rather spiritual and is a fan of the supernatural and extraterrestrial.
  • Ryosuke also has a mild interest in Native American culture.
  • Ryosuke like the wind and rain, as he finds them calming and tranquil.
  • Ryosuke's favorite food is Ramen, but he doesn't dislike any kind of food.
  • Most of Ryosuke's attacks are based on various anime attacks.
  • Main Theme & Battle Theme

I've noticed that most of the characters read manga of some kind. Now to to do the homework that I was putting off to do this.


EDIT: Finished, though I might add a thing or two here and there.

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Hey Blu, I know you're not supposed to be making any major critiques yet, but can you quickly check over my powers and make sure they're in line before I move on? I'd rather not suddenly realize I overpowered Akihiro and borked my chances, especially if Magnet insists on competing with me for the role of "protag that turns antag".

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Hotaru, I have no idea but the same thing happened to me. I guess we'll just have to manage for now.

Admiral, Magnet isn't competing with you on that. He just said that his character leans more towards order as opposed to chaos. So if I were to analyze your powers, I will have to analyze the other participants' powers as well. But's here what I have to say about your character's powers, Admiral. So in the actual "Powers" section I'm seeing two problems. First, you can't use Spatial Rend like my character. We need to keep things unique aside from the two standard powers that all Jokers can use. Second, your Time Lock ability is a bit overpowered for a beginner. Maybe you should enact a time restraint or maybe add a part where the power somehow puts a strain on the body. In the "Special Attacks" section, I'm seeing two problems as well. Your first special attack, Doomsday is way too powerful. You have to completely redo that power or take it out completely. Then there's Tougijou, if its effect of reducing powers and special attacks also affects Akihiro (which it seems to but I'm unsure) then I'm fine with it.

As for everyone who has posted an app so far along with powers/special attacks, I don't see any problems that would be deemed as overpowered.

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App's pretty much finished. Personally, I'm disappointed with how the personality turned out, but hey-ho, it'll do. EDIT: and added some special attacks to his profile. They were needed.


I'll be patient and wait for the review period. When do you expect it to be Blu?

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Admiral, Magnet isn't competing with you on that. He just said that his character leans more towards order as opposed to chaos.


Oh... my bad for misunderstanding where you were going Magnet. I'm just really fearing direct competition at this point, considering there's at least 10 others who want in as well.


@Neph: I'm still working on my powers. Spatial Rend I didn't think I could get away with, but I remember needing something similar in order to get Doomsday to work without Akihiro getting killed. Speaking of which, I've decided I'll get rid of it completely. I've already got 5 other special attacks, and I don't think there's a way I can redo Doomsday without achieving the results I want (I kinda liked the aspect of being able send a planet down to earth, after all =/)


Oh, and I should clarify that Tougijou does in fact affect Akihiro's powers & attacks as well. That's also on my to do list.




So yeah, powers should be a quick fix; and then I can move onto Personality and get Akihiro over with ^_^

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