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Seth3113's UBER CONTEST!


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Hello, welcome to my first ever contest!!!


First off Rules!

1. Must have atleast 3 cards!

2. 1 Trap, 1 Spell and 1 Monster ATLEAST

3. I would like more than 3 cards per person


5. The cards must have something to do with "Cyber" and the card must have the word "Cyber" in it's name

6. no spamming


Second, how I will mark the cards

5% Name

10% Picture

45% Effect

20% Is it balanced?

20% OCG


And last, PRIZES

1st Place: Most cards will be in my new upcoming set: Cyber Universe, choice of banner, avatar or userbar (tell me what you want on them) and

3+ reps

2nd Place: Some cards will be used in my new set, 2+ reps

3rd Place: 1 - 3 cards will be used in my new set, 1+ rep


The contest will end on March 21st


Hope you join!


People in the contest

1. ruby_carbuncle002

2. Dejhad

3. aximil (currently in the lead because he's the only one to post his cards so far)

4. casaditymaker

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