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Nine Muses - Wild


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They had a poor debut when they started out with their concept (all of them are models so they were presented as a models-who-try-to-sing group xD). But I really like the songs they brought out later and some improvements they made.


This is their newest song (has a few risqué parts but nothing trashy):




Live performances:

11.05 (I like the sound in this one but not the camera loops, lol)



And a "no playback/music background" live here because I like watching those.xD Which is an MR removed version of this performance btw.

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I really loved this comeback too. Hard to believe that it's the same group that sang "I don't want no playboy" a few years ago.XD


They don't have any great singers, but they sing within their ranges.


Here's today's performance:



It might be the laptop I'm using, or is the sound really good here?

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