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My first Cards!!!! be gentle...


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these are our 1st Yu-gi-Oh cards me and my brtoher made

so tell me hat do you think :)


Pokemon related







yes...the regi's are over powered



Game related


March of the mushrooms


Dark Link

Zelda got streched :(


Joke related

E-Hero Superman

Frozzard Wow character


AND finally my last one i made today to test out the new card generator

The golden castle of strongberg


these cards are just test cards i plan on making a set of real fake yugioh cards soon

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The "Regi" cards

-I don't like them, they're gadgets on sertoids. I would recommend changing them to have more unique effects.


March of the Mushroom

-Even if the monster is destroyed at the end of turn, its a little much. I would suggest adding "The equipped monster cannot attack your opponent directly".


Dark Link

-Nice, buts its text should make that the detroyed monster is "sent to the Graveyard."


Golden Castle of Strongberg

-Don't forget, some of the effects from the show were "fake rules" inputed into the Kaiba's computer by whats-his-face. The proxy you made should only include the real effects.


Hope these suggestions help!

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