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Hans Zimmer


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Treated myself and bought Man Of Steel, Sherlock Holmes and The Dark Knight's soundtrack albums by Hans Zimmer, the genius behind such soundtrack from Pirates Of The Caribbean, The Thin Red Line, Crimson Tide and lots more.






So discuss/comment bout Hans Zimmer and his beautiful music and what movie would you like him to score.

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More of a John Williams and Danny Elfman fan myself, although I can never say no to a bit of Zimmer.

That said, for me, the Man of Steel score was just a bit heavy-handed though. Too reliant on the 'horn of doom' sound and so much overblown percussion my gawd.

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More of a John Williams and Danny Elfman fan myself, although I can never say no to a bit of Zimmer.

That said, for me, the Man of Steel score was just a bit heavy-handed though. Too reliant on the 'horn of doom' sound and so much overblown percussion my gawd.

Well, he is most well-known for his thunderous, tense, in-your-face sonic build ups. I like John Williams but almost all of his scores featured similar lavish orchestral pieces filled with swirling strings, chiming bells, pumping brass and cymbal crashes with similar motif of that of his Star Wars or Indiana Jones scores. Elfman's scores can be pretty forgettable at times but his earlier material with Tim Burton is awesome and just plain ol gold.


But you know, as they say, to each their own.

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Feels in 3... 2... 1...

If I have more money...I would've bought this album too. Such beauty.


HANS ZIMMER SUCH NOM. Some guy on youtube, under the username Ukpiano does some decent covers of Hans' stuff. Anyways, I enjoy the Batman sountracks in particular. But his scores, so much awesome, awesome overload it is o.o On an unrelated note, how do I embed a youtube video to the forum?

Just copy the URL and paste it on the media usage which can be found on the Special BBCode.


All his songs kinda sound like they could all be in the same movie. That's not a bad thing, since the music is frickin awesome.

I don't know bout that. Can't really picture TDK's soundtrack or Inception's soundtrack or Sherlock Holmes' soundtrack on Pearl Harbor, directed by Michael Bay, which he also scored. Nor do Sherlock Holmes' soundtrack fit into Gladiator and vice versa.

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