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<><> Freyah, the Shattering Sovereign <><>


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[align=center][font=Trebuchet MS][img]http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/5669/freyahdj7.jpg[/img]
[u][color=#800000]Freyah, the Shattering Sovereign[/color][/u]

Level: 4
ATK: 1700
DEF: 1100
[i]When this card is Normal Summoned, Special Summoned, or Flip Summoned, discard 1 FIRE monster from your hand to the Graveyard. If you do not have a FIRE monster to discard, destroy this monster. Each time this card destroys a monster as a result of battle, add 1 FIRE monster from your Graveyard to your hand.[/i]


This card is a part of my new set called "Wondering Fire Princess". It's effect doesn't sound ALL too good, but with cards from the set, it will make it a great card.

My new set deals with FIRE monsters, and some Pyro too, and hopefully it will become a popular set :P


I do NOT own the artwork of this card. The person who does is on this website:
Thank you Freyah for the picture :P[/font][/align]
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Its an investment effect, you can get back the same thing that you were required to give. Im abit bias against these kind of effects [just sounds kind of cheap] but at least yours has to do some killing first, and ATK isnt over the top so 8/10

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^ Agreed with browarod. Since you included all the summonings, just say Summoned, ^_^.

Also, "If you do not have a FIRE monster to discard, destroy this monster." Better to say, "If you cannot, destroy this monster."

The card is still great. ^_^

Also, kinda surprised it isn't a Casadity card. X]

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