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[Hearthstone] Shield of Distortion


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Secret: As soon as a friendly character is attacked, prevent damage it takes and give it Immune this turn.

This is a fan-made interpretation of a WoW TCG Card of the same name, as such I've also maintained the cost and effect, as well as class restriction as close to the source as possible (it is restricted to Death Knights and Mages, however as of yet Death Knights aren't in Hearthstone.) I feel this card is balanced in the sense that, well, like all Secrets, they trigger on the first instance, and not when a player chooses.

Furthermore, the sheer fact this card exists is suffice to say a Hearthstone Card Generator exists, for those who did not know. I'll give you a quick summary of it - while unable to bold terms such as Secret, or Immune, like published cards have, it creates a quite realistic interpretation of cards.

Currently, it supports all rarities, Gold included albeit without support for animated images. It has templates for all classes of cards (including Death Knight and Monk, despite their lacking of release (unless their templates have already been discovered).) Here's the link if ya want to try it out: http://achievementgen.com/hearthstone/
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Awesome didn't know there was a Hearthstone generator. I was downloading images just yesterday so that I could make one in photoshop (would have been a lot harder to do) this makes things easier :P


Never played the wow tcg but looks pretty neat and definitley powerful whilst not being totally broken. Pretty much how 'Epics' are.

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Awesome didn't know there was a Hearthstone generator. I was downloading images just yesterday so that I could make one in photoshop (would have been a lot harder to do) this makes things easier :P
Never played the wow tcg but looks pretty neat and definitley powerful whilst not being totally broken. Pretty much how 'Epics' are.

Glad ya like the piece - at least someone can comment on the purpose of the topic...*coughTormcoughcough*

Yeah, I figure it is like many cards in said tier - in the right hands it can be nasty, especially being Mage exclusive...oof...Mages. ¬_¬ It also serves as a nice counter to Aggro Decks that focus on rushing, giving another turn.
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I can't actually imagine a Photoshop template of Hearthstone being all too difficult to create honestly.

Never said making the template would be hard just harder than using a generator. As in more time consuming... Especially with my bad Photoshop skills.


Glad ya like the piece - at least someone can comment on the purpose of the topic...*coughTormcoughcough*

Yeah, I figure it is like many cards in said tier - in the right hands it can be nasty, especially being Mage exclusive...oof...Mages. ¬_¬ It also serves as a nice counter to Aggro Decks that focus on rushing, giving another turn.

Your welcome. I personally don't find it overpowered since it would have to be mage or death knight specific (so far we have no measure of how strong death knights are going to be). Mages are a bit of a nuisance to play against though and are (from personal experience) tier 1 or 2.

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I really like it. Typical Mage decks are very spell reliant and thus the room for Taunters is limited. This gives a nice 1 turn protection from a potentially devastating situation. Whether you can take advantage of it or not depends on how you've played before this card activated.

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