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Hasn't been too long since my last dump, but seeing that it was in Nocturne and a couple people outside the team have asked, I'm putting links to stuff here. If you've been around you've probably seen most of it. The big dl, meatballs, is like 4GB (which is vastly larger than 800mb, or whatever my last dump was, idek) and is all the other links combined. If you don't feel like dl'ing it all, I've separated them into their respective folders. Most of the names are the original sources, and some links will have multiple folders, i.e. Kikistock has like 10 different subfolders, while some of the bg packs have like 5 stocks total, so dl to your contentment I guess. And the names will pretty much tell you what's in the folder, stocks = stocks, resource pack usually means stocks, textures, psds, etc. I'll list the size so you get a general idea how much stuff there is.


Sorry it's so unorganized, really didn't want to go through and sort them all. What you see is what they're literally called on my computer. Obviously I take no credit, if there is any trouble or stuff I'll take it down. Any questions, especially about what's what and you don't feel like randomly downloading, feel free to ask, kthnxbye. Contemplated doing that whole image preview, but for like 25 links that'd be a pain


meatballs 4gb


kikinewstock 5mb


SythestResourcePack 7mb


Jovo's BG Stock pack #4 7mb


PC Stockpack 8mb


PC Stockpack 2 15mb


trey_s_stockpack_by_trey_gfx-d34w9d8 10mb


CrownZero C4D Pack 21mb




mixitup2 40mb


Stock Pack 1 52mb




DreamFX Pack Pt.1 82mb


Horizon ArtPack 111mb


Winged's Resource Pack 85mb


MW Resource Pack Collection part 1 104mb


GFxBB.org Resource Pack - October 116mb


UltimateFemaleStockPack 117mb


inkPack1 290mb


Pack Stock 15 293mb


CE Pack2 296mb


Fred's 4K Stocks 552mb


VFX Zodiac June Summer 1 573mb

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4GB Of meatballs? Sounds tasty. What is it and is it worth my download?


Oooooooh I seeeee, still is there anything particularly outstanding in the 4gb?


Idk what you'd think is outstanding, but I do like some of the stock packs. PC packs are pretty good, as are Kiki's stuff. CrownZero was legit back in the day so the c4d pack is pretty decent.

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