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Frozen Fanfiction. [PG-13] Winter Spirits (Chapter Two)

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Reddit link: http://www.reddit.com/r/Frozen/comments/24ias9/i_canz_post_fanfiction_winter_spirits_chapter_1/

So yeah. Frozen fanfiction. Woop woop. Do whatever the hell you want with this, I don't really expect anyone to see it.

[spoiler=Chapter One] Sharp wind and sleet bit at the nose of a small figure trudging through the blizzard. It was garbed completely in winter clothes, complete with fur coat, boots, and hat. A scarf covered the lower half of their face, but the upper half needed to be exposed if they wanted any chance of seeing where they were going. They held their arm in front of their face to try and block some of the harsher parts of the weather, but it didn’t do much good.

“We should find shelter,” he said to the voice in his head. Agreed. But I don’t see anywhere decent in this blasted storm. “What about one of these houses…? They look good…” The boy said, his teeth chattering. Too risky, what if someone lives in them? What if something happens, again? “It’s either we take that risk, or die out here.”

The boy trudged toward an old wooden house that was nearly buried in snow. After about ten minutes of digging and swearing, he heaved open the door to the house and crawled in. The massive amount of dust confirmed that this particular house was abandoned, and had been for a long while. Well that was lucky. Find a blanket or a carpet or something, we’re freezing to death. The boy nodded and dug around the house until he found an old quilt. Shaking the dust and dead spiders off of it, he curled up underneath it, attempting to get some rest. Get some rest. We need to keep moving towards the Mountain. The boy nodded once more and yawned, drifting off to sleep.

As the sun rose and the storm dissipated, a humming was heard around the abandoned house where the boy made his camp. Of all things, a snowman was wandering around the area, humming a tune to himself. He mentioned something about summer, and then proceeded to leave when he heard a rustling coming from inside the house.

Get up, quick! Someone is outside. The boy scrambled to his feet, back to the wall as he stared at the door waiting for it to open….

The snowman was now curiously examining the house. He heard the scramble coming from inside, and attempted to locate the front door. He noticed that the snow in front of the door had been dug away, and he gasped and pulled against the door, and then when that failed, he pushed. The door creaked open…

….and revealed what appeared to be a small snowman. What the hell…? The boy simply stared as the snowman saw him, widened his eyes and declared; “Hello! I’m Olaf, and I like warm hugs!” The snowman then proceeded to hold his arms out as if he was waiting for the boy to hug him. The boy didn’t know what to do, and slowly backed away. Olaf raced towards him and stared.

“Wow, you look like something stuck you out in a blizzard for a while. You’re freezing to death! We need to get you to a fireplace.” Olaf said, looking the boy over.

I wouldn’t trust…whatever the hell this ‘Olaf’ thing is. The boy silently agreed and sat down, shivering. “Please leave.” He said to Olaf, in a small voice.

Olaf considered that for a moment and then said; “You also look like you can barely walk. I’m gonna go get Kristoff, he’ll know what to do.” Olaf then turned and left, closing the door behind him.

Get out of here, quickly! “I can’t…that Olaf thing was right, the storm took too much out of me and froze my food solid. I can barely stand…” You know what’ll happen if someone finds you, now get up! The boy took a deep breath and attempted to stand. As he tried to take a step, his leg collapsed from under him and he hit the floor with a loud thud. Pulling himself back against the wall, he said; “It’s a no go. We’re gonna have to trust whoever this Kristoff is.” I hope it isn’t another snowman…

After a few minutes, a blonde man shoved the door open and made to run towards the boy. The boy scrambled away from him, screaming; “Don’t touch me! Please, whatever you do, don’t touch me!” The man halted in his approach and cautiously approached the boy.

“I’m not going to hurt you. You’re going to freeze to death out here, so let me help you.” He then reached out towards the boy again.

“I said. Don’t. Touch. Me.” The boy said, backing away into a wall. “I’ll come with you. But don’t you dare touch me.”

The man contemplated this for a second, and then sighed. “Come with me. We need to get you warmed up. He then left, motioning the boy to follow him. “What’s your name, by the way?”

“Jack,” the boy said as he followed a short distance behind the man. Hey! Are you a moron?! Don’t tell him your name! “It’s not like it can hurt anything,” Jack muttered.

“What? No, I’m not going to hurt you, remember?” The man said to Jack.

“Ah…nevermind. What’s your name?” Jack said, trying to change the subject.

“Kristoff. Ah, here we are. Get in.” Kristoff motioned towards a sledge with a reindeer pulling it.

Jack cautiously got in the sledge a good distance away from where Kristoff would be sitting. “Where exactly are we going?” he asked, pulling his knees up to his chest.

“The castle. There are good people there; you’ll be feeling better soon.” Kristoff said as the sledge started moving.

A castle. Great. Fantastic. That’s just fan-tucking-fastic. You see what you’ve gotten yourself into? “Shut up…” Jack muttered, trying to not let Kristoff hear him.

“Hm? I didn’t say anything,” Kristoff said, looking back at him. “You okay back there?”

“Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. Just…um…talking to myself?” It came out more as a question than a statement. Kristoff raised an eyebrow then turned back to the front.

It took about twenty minutes before the sledge was pulling into a courtyard. It was slightly empty, and curiously devoid of snow. Instead, it was laced with beautiful ice patterns. Even the fountains were frozen in a way that made them seem quite majestic. Jack looked around in wonder as Kristoff said; “Come on, we’re here.”

Jack didn’t answer, instead just absently climbing out and following Kristoff. “How…what happened to this place?” He asked in wonder, his eyes wide.

Kristoff laughed and said; “You can thank Queen Elsa for that.” He refused to say more, instead just putting off Jacks questions with a vague “You’ll see it in a moment.”

The castle was quite large, and also empty. “Why is this place so empty…?” Jack asked tentatively.

“Queen Elsa still isn’t quite used to large amounts of people. The staff is larger than before, but people still aren’t often allowed in the yard or castle.” Jack was confused about all this talk. Who is this Elsa chick he keeps talking about? We don’t even know what kingdom we’re IN, and we’re going to meet royalty. Great. Have I mentioned that this situation just couldn’t get worse?

Jack chose not to answer this time. They arrived in a smaller room with a roaring fire, and Jack gratefully thudded down in front of it, warming his hands and body. It took about three minutes before he noticed there was someone besides him and Kristoff in the room.

There was a couch behind him, and sitting on it was a woman clothed in purple. She had braided red hair that shone in the firelight, and was staring at Jack with undisguised curiosity.

“Umm….hello.” Jack said awkwardly, not sure what to do. He never had someone just stare at him before. It felt weird.

“Hi!” The woman said brightly. “You must be the boy Kristoff was talking about. You got caught in that blizzard last night, huh?”

Jack nodded quickly. Um…who is this chick? Jack shrugged and went back to warming his hands.

“My name is Anna. What’s yours?” The woman, Anna, continued to stare at him, waiting for an answer.

“My name? Oh, uh, Jack. I’m Jack.” You idiot, now you’re blushing. Jack’s face became beet red hearing this. “Quiet!” he hissed under his breath so Anna wouldn’t hear.

Seeing Jack blush put a huge smile on Annas face. “Well aren’t you the most adorable little thing!” She reached out to tousle his hair.

Jack saw the world move in slow motion in those sections. He had let his guard down! He tried to dive out of the way, but not before her hand nearly reached him, and with a flash and a sound of crackling, a barrier of ice had thrown its way in between her hand and his head. Her eyes widened and her mouth made an “O” shape as she pulled her hand back, her shock apparent in her face.

Nope, I was wrong. It just got worse.[/spoiler]

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[spoiler=Chapter Two]
Nope. I was wrong. It just got worse.

Anna examined the ice with a look of shock and wonder on her face. Kristoff had run over to her and asked if she was okay.

“I’m…fine. Perfectly okay. Wow…” Anna ran her hand over the ice as Kristoff walked over to Jack, who was slowly backing away from the two of them, his arm in front of his face. “I assume that’s why you didn’t want me to touch you. Right?” Kristoff said as he squatted down a few feet away from Jack.

Moving his arm, Jack looked at Kristoff and slowly nodded. “I…I can’t…help it. If someone tries to touch me…it just happens…” You may want to start thinking about how the hell we’re going to get out of here. Just a thought. Jack frowned and wished he could scold the Voice without actually talking.

Anna came up behind Kristoff and whispered; “We should probably fetch Elsa. You go, I’ll stay with Jack.” Kristoff nodded and left the room. Anna sat back down on the couch in front of the fire and motioned Jack to come sit next to her. Jack cautiously approached, to the Voice’s annoyance. You TRUST this girl? What the hell is wrong with you? Have you learned nothing in the last twelve years? Jack merely ignored the Voice. Despite its good points, he DID trust this Anna. He couldn’t explain it, but he knew inside that she wouldn’t ever try and hurt him on purpose.

“So. You have ice powers.” She said in a matter-of-fact voice when he sat down on the other end of the couch. Jack nodded. “And I’m assuming you have no control over them….whatsoever.” Another nod. “Have you had them your whole life?” At this, Jack became as still and silent as a statue. Sensing she may have touched on a sensitive issue, Anna moved on.

She asked him little things. How old was he? Where was he from? Why was he alone? Jack answered most of these questions in a small voice with short sentences. After around thirty minutes, the door opened again and revealed another woman, with platinum blonde hair that was tied in braid, and sky blue eyes. She looked at the ice, then the boy, then Anna.

The woman walked over and knelt down in front of Jack, staring into his eyes. Without a word, she reached out for Jacks forehead, at which he let out a small cry and pulled back. The woman pressed on, and sure enough, with another crackle and a flash, ice prevented her from getting closer than six inches to Jack. The ice didn’t seem to come from anywhere, merely forming around where her hand was going and continuing if she tried from another angle.

She stood up and walked over to the window and looked outside, letting out a sigh. Only then did Jack notice her dress. It was light blue, and it sparkled in a way only ice could. He stood up and walked over to her, staring in wonder at the beauty of the dress made of ice. He saw the light reflecting off of it in the different angles, making it sparkle and shine. He looked at the woman and said; “You have ice powers too. Don’t you?”

The woman didn’t answer at first. But after a minute, he saw the ghost of a smile playing upon her face as she spoke in a soft voice. “Yes. I do.”

Jack pondered on this fact for a moment. All his life he had assumed that ice was uncontrollable, like a mountain lion or a massive grizzly. What did this woman have that he didn’t?

The woman looked at him again, and said; “My name is Elsa. And…I think I can help you.”

Jack wasn’t so sure about that. He looked over at Anna, who smiled and nodded encouragingly. Her, at least, he could trust. He hoped. “I’m Jack.”

Three months later, Jack was living at Castle Arendelle. That day, the Queen had set him up with a room at the castle. He was never much inclined to leave the room, seeing as people brought him food if he asked nicely, and it was warm. He was used to the silence and the lack of company.

Since that day, he had not seen or heard of the Queen. She said she would help him, but he wasn’t quite sure what that meant. Since that day, he had only spoken with one person outside the staff. That was the Princess Anna. They talked for almost the whole day when she did visit, which wasn’t often. After all, she was a princess.

The last time was five days ago, when the red-haired Princess came to see him. She said she was concerned for him, as he hadn’t left his room at all. Jack wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that, as he was quite used to solitude. So, he went with his default setting and avoided the topic, moving on to other things.

Jack looked out the window. Winter had begun to break. The fjord was thawing, the ice in the courtyard melting. People milled about in the streets, cleaning snow off the roads and walkways, chipping ice off the windows. He had been hearing whispers from the staff that there was to be some kind of party soon. Jack spent hours mulling over what a party was. What a strange word, he thought.

It’s probably some kind of code. They’ve kept you locked up in here for months; maybe they’re going to kill you. Jack shook his head in exasperation. The Voice had constantly been paranoid, reprimanding him about trusting the Queen and her friends, chiding him for accepting to stay at the castle. “I’m not locked up in here. I’m free to leave the room as I wish. I simply don’t.” Jack said pointedly, and the Voice shut up.

Jack heard a tap tap tap-tap tap at his door and jumped. “W-who’s there?” he called out.

“It’s me! Anna!” Jack heard the warm voice of Princess Anna outside his door. “Oh. Come in.” He said. Have you noticed, she always knocks the exact same way? It’s different from all the others. The Voice chimed in. Jack blinked in surprise as the door opened. He hadn’t noticed that before.

Anna came in and sat down on the bed, swinging her legs. She was wearing a green and brown dress with her hair tied up in a bun. Jack stared for a minute with his head tilted to the side slightly. Anna stared back. After a second Jack realized what he was doing and blinked, looking away. Anna giggled. “You blinked! I win!”

Jack smiled. It was impossible to be his usual stoic self around Anna’s bubbly personality. “What’s with the extra-formal hair?” He asked in his quiet voice. “You usually wear it in a braid.”

Anna ran her fingers through her hair and said “It’s for the party dummy! Haven’t you heard? It’s today!” Anna jumped up and did a little twirl. She stopped when she saw the confused look on Jack’s face. There’s that party thing again, Jack thought. “You…do know what a party is…right?” Anna said, trying to hold in a giggle.

Jack shook his head, slightly embarrassed. Anna burst out laughing and automatically reached out for his arm to pull him along. He recoiled and Anna stopped short. “Oh...um...sorry,” She mumbled. They stood around for a few moments, with Anna swaying side to side looking embarrassed at herself. Jack smiled. “You were going to show me what this party thing is?” he prompted. Anna thought for a second, then got a big grin on her face. She motioned him to follow and ran out of the room.

Jack laughed and followed her. This girl has to be at least six or seven years older than you, and she acts like a five year old! The Voice said in a mocking tone. “Shut up.” Jack growled. He wasn’t exactly in the mood for this.

“Come on come on come on!” Anna was saying, smiling. Jack grinned again and ran after her, struggling to keep up. How the hell does she run so fast in heels?! Jack was thinking to himself as he ran.

They stopped in a ballroom where the staff were busy setting up tables piled high with food and drink. Jack stared dumbfounded at one of the tables. “Is that a chocolate fountain!?!” he exclaimed. Anna nodded, smiling. “Elsa’s favorite.” She said. After a moment of consideration, she followed it up with; “And mine.” Jack laughed again.

As Anna dragged him around the castle to show him the various preparations for what was apparently a large gathering of people where there would be dancing, music, and food, Jack couldn’t help but have his eyes almost exclusively glued to the girl in front of him. He had never been close to anyone before, let alone be friends. Although he had only talked to her a few times before now, they were long and meaningful talks. He had never spoken to someone before that didn’t want to kill him. It was that day when he realized that he thought of Anna as not only his friend, an actual friend, but as an older sister. That acted like a toddler. Jack hated the Voice sometimes.

It was around noon when Anna looked at the clock and let out a squeal of delight. “The party! It’s gonna start sooooon!” She danced around in place a little as Jack smiled at her.

You do realize that you both look like idiots, right? [/spoiler]

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