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Lie Down Baby [PG-16/OOC/NS/A]

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Seems very interesting...
[spoiler=Alexander Wright (Work in progress)]
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Personal Information
Name: Alexander Wright
Age of Death: 18
Time of Death: 2014
Gender: Male
Angel Name: Susanoo
 Strangely, Alex has always had a taste for expensive clothing, but is now only seen wearing the white collared shirt and vest he wore on the day that he met his end. Sporting an only slightly above average height of 5 feet and 12 inches and weighing a healthy 165 pounds, Alex is an exemplary specimen for a boy his age. Though due to having already had a very pale complexion while alive, Alex’s skin is now completely void of color; falling into perfect contrast with his eyes, which have mysteriously taken on a brilliant cyan coloring that is constantly struggling to shine through the bangs that always seem claim the right side of his face
Like most boys his age, at his core Alexander is stubborn, impulsive, and has a strong sense of justice. In life these traits would often leave him at odds with authority and others in position of power. However, after dying he seems to have learned to bury some of his impulses in favor of a more calm and collect persona. Believing that he was cheated out of his life, Alex has decided that he is willing do anything to walk among the living again, even if that means putting himself or others in danger. Though even with that being said, Alex is still unable to completely bury his old self, and is prone to jumping to the aid of those in need without much thought. Still as social as any teenager, he can be quite talkative at times and tends to gravitate around anyone who strike him as interesting, especially females. Another thing to note would be Alexander's code of honor, in which he developed after his death. It is primarily based around keeping his word, and dictates that any promises that are made must be kept no matter the cost. Due to the circumstances of his death, Alex takes this rule very seriously, and has zero toleration for lies and views anyone who betrays their friends or allies as scum. 
[spoiler=Short history before death]8 lines, please.[/spoiler]

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I promised you an app, but it's not quite finished.... Sorry, I've literally had no time to work on this recently:

[spoiler= Hazel Vernadette]
Personal Information
Name: Hazel Vernadette
Age of Death: 19
Time of Death: 1920
Gender: Female
Angel Name: Urthiel
(Coming soon)
6 lines minimum.
[spoiler=Short history before death]
Prior to her death, Hazel grew up in a relatively normal household for the 1900s. Her father and mother were young lovers, whose love seemed to have no bounds. Hazel was their only child, and she was their most prized possession. Money wasn't exactly plentiful, with her father doing factory work and her mother staying at home to take care of her, but they made it work. Hazel and her parents always had just enough to eat, and they managed to live in their small apartment as long as they could imagine. But things took a turn for the worst when the Arch-Duke of Austria was assassinated. America was soon at war, leaving Hazel and her mother with an empty home and a drafted father. It wasn't long until an open wound and a Cole winter took her father away from her. Her mother, instead of strengthening and surviving for the two of them, collapsed in on her self. Hazel went to the bread lines every day to try to get enough sustenance for the two of them, but her mother would not have any of the food, insisting that Hazel should eat it. A few days later, her mother died from a self-inflicted fall. Hazel immediately took to the streets, not wanting to be drawn into any of the adoption centers that meant certain starvation and hunger. She lived on the streets for a while, and eventually resorted to doing "odd jobs" for any man with the money. Due to her attractiveness, good build, and "experience" she was picked up by a shady showgirl company. She lived life relatively well. The customers were polite, and her tips were well earned. She didn't know much about the owner, only that he was a little dodgy man with an Italian accent. The night she died, it was relatively routine night. She noticed things were strange when a car screeched to a halt outside. Within thirty seconds, there were at least twenty men inside, guns blazing. She took a bullet wound first to the arm, then to the stomach. She bled out to the sounds of the people who had taken care of her dying.

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Is it possible for me to reserve a spot I shall finish my app after work tomorrow.

Scratch that I had to triple shift today and yesterday, and its 2:30 here and just got off so, I will finish it in next 12 hours, if I don't spam the crap out of me and send me hateful messages for the next month
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Personal Information


Name:  Victor


Age of Death: 17


Time of Death:  February 3rd, 2008


Gender: Male


Angel Name:  Carlos the Cat







Carlos has a medium built body and confident physique. He is however, quite skinny and therefore focuses on speed and agility then strength. He loves to run and his body is built around that. He also has scar on his left shoulder a scratch from a cat, that stayed their sense after his death. He also loves black or dark clothing and will always be seen with at least one part of his clothing with very dark colours, most often black or dark grey.  [/spoiler]


[spoiler=Personality] Victor has a very kind and shy personality. He will often talk in a social setting and when he is asked but very awkward one on one. He also will protect what he can life or death. Animal, human, dead, or alive he will fight for you. He has a very warm spot in his heart for animals and that is what killed him, but he holds no grudges to anything or anyone.  He is very gullible and will often get caught in mischief because of it. [/spoiler]


[spoiler=Short history before death]Victor was a kind and considerate young boy. He was raised in a religious family and they taught him that he should be kind everything, even if they full heartedly want to kill him. They pushed this so hard in his mind that even he was beaten and bruised weeks on end in Jr High he just smiled and forgave them, then they would do it again. No one understood this nor did anyone care, he would either be beaten up or ignored. He had only one friend, a stray cat he named Sabrina. He fed him, made a shelter, and worked his butt off to get anything the cat wanted. They were the best of friends and often Victor would sleep with the cat outside, sadly one day Sabrina decided to wander out on to the road, a semi-truck swerved around it, but the minivan behind it didn’t see what was coming and slammed Sabrina. Victor was heartbroken, and no one seemed to care. He cried days on end, no one noticed. They simple thought it was just a cat. This destroyed him and he felt he had only one way out, the noose. He step on a stool and but one foot after another tied the rope around his neck and jumped. He was found an hour later hanging staring to nothingness. [/spoiler]



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