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Dawn of a New Era [Archetype Creation - Duel Terminal Style]


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So, I've been reading a bunch of the Duel Terminal lore (especially the more recent ones, like the Shaddoll Corruption and so on) lately, and when I get a sudden surge of inspiration, I just have to go through with it, unless I wanna lose my mind. So, I wanted to make my own "Duel Terminal" Story Arc using cards and archetypes I've created myself. This is a huge undertaking, and I probably won't be able to finish an entire story as intricate as the Duel Terminal Lore... And that's where you people come in. I've created two archetypes so far for this universe, and I want YOU guys to create the other 4, in a contest of sorts.


The Two archetypes so far are: 


The Phantoms are the representatives of the LIGHT Attribute. They are all Psychic-type monsters focusing on banishing themselves from various places, to then get special summoned in various ways. their main ways of doing this are the Phantom Gate and The Other Gate cards. The main deck monsters names are based off of the various pieces in Chess in greek, representing the white chess pieces, whereas the Extra Deck monsters, with the sub-name Alter represent the Black Chess pieces, and are all (with the exception of Main Deck Tuner) Synchro Monsters  Their Ultimate Win Condition comes in form of the Synchro Monster Basileus - Alter, which is summoned using Basileus - The Phantom King and two tuners.


Nethokai: The DARK Attribute archetype originated from another dimension, finding a portal between their world, and the Duel Terminal World, they are the invaders, and thus the bad guys. The Archetype consists of DARK Thunder-type monsters focusing on Synchro-Climbing akin to that of the synchrons, with their Ultimate Win Condition being the Nethokai Netherdrake, a monster very similiar to Quasar dragon in terms of it's summoning condition. The name is a wordplay on the english word Nether, and the Japanese word Hōkai (崩壊), which roughly translates to Decay.


The story takes place in the World of Duel Terminal, THOUSANDS of years after the current storyline. Hidden deep within the mountains of Mist Valley lies a portal to the mystical world of the Dreamscape, which was created by now a long since forgotten tribe related to the Mist Valley people. It's said that with this gateway, one can visit the dreams of others. it was later discovered that one could actually change the minds of the dreamers, Imagine the possibilities: Stopping future wars years prior to their outbreak. And, as expected, there were those who sought steal this gateway, and use it for their own selfish ends. Wars broke out between tribes, seeking to covet this gateway for themselves. It was then decided by the people who are now refered to as the Phantoms, that the gate should be sealed to prevent any more wars to break out over this artifact. Thus, the Mist Valley Tribe was created, by these ancient Phantoms who have now long since lost this power, to protect the gate, preventing it's seal from being broken. And so it remained for the thousands of years that passed, it slipped by unoticed by the valleys future inhabitants.


I'd love to see people co-operating here, creating new archetypes together with their own mythos and characters, then watch them all fight each other in an all out war, as the Nethokai Invade, forcing them all to co-operate, and after each war, watch as the universe expand. If you don't know the important locations within the Duel Terminal Lore (Such as the Mist Valley, The Gem-Knight Kingdom, Naturia Forest, The Ice Barrier etc.) You should read up on all this before contributing. It's crucial.


How to contribute: 
Send me a PM for approval with the concept, mythos etc of your own Archetype. If I approve: I'll post a Poll for everyone to vote on which Archetypes sounds best after I've gathered at least 4 of each Attribute. You'll be then assigned as a team captain, and thus you should make a topic somewhere detailing the concept of said archetype for others to read. Once your archetype has been selected as the archetype for a Specific attribute, recruit members, and work as a team to create this archetype, with both lore and actual cards. If this project does indeed take off, I'll write a long story for this Fan Project for you all to read.  


As far as cards go; I'd love to see the Card Artwork reflect events of the story: Similiar to how the artwork of the DT Spell/Trap Cards detail events in the lore. If we have some talented artists reading this, it would give this fan-universe a whole lot more depth and make it soo much more interesting if you contirbuted with card arts and such.


And, with that, I'll sign off. Have a great day everybody! 

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