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Smoke + Mirrors, new album by Imagine Dragons

Alice Moonflowyr

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A bit of a love-hate relationship with the band. Generally put out great singles (and I doubt even the most cynical could deny the sheer unbounded catchiness of Radioactive), but they risk being a generic and samey band. A whole lot of 'shouty, boom clap, angst' sort of stuff on Night Visions that wears.

I've not heard much from the new album, but it doubt they've radically changed that formula. On the other hand, I don't know whether they've pulled a curveball with an On Top of the World style song. Probably the most irritating thing is that I Bet My Life is just such a terrible lead single for me. By far one of the most obnoxious choruses they've ever written, feels a bit front-laden phrase-wise and the octave-up vocals really don't help either. Of the other two singles, Shots is rather lightweight, but Gold is very good indeed. The glitchy, tropical hip-hop sound does that song wonders.

Anyway, they just need to push the boat out more. And do it without losing their pop sensibility. Maybe more like the version of Radioactive they did with Kendrick. By far the best feat of Imagine Dragons' promising career.

I'd also mention that the video is playing the wrong song. Copyright strike.

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I'm listening to it right now XD. I'm in love with it, it's a lot more chill than Night Visions and to me it reminds me a bit of Ghost Stories by Coldplay, which is indeed a good thing since i love also that album to death.

So yeah i overall think this album is very good and it gets the precious prize of getting into my list of albums of which i love all the songs.

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