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A petition for an advertisement thread...

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Ok, has anyone else here goten ticked at YCM because they can't show something that they've done that's on a different website? I've made this thread as a "petition" of sorts, to get the "No advertising" rule changed. There could be a special forum just for that, and you would still be punished if you didn't stay within it. I do not intend to brew up trouble with this thread, I am only using it to generate opinions. Thank you.


EDIT: To YCMaker, Tkill93, and anyone who could ban me for this, don't. I don't mean to cause anarchy/chaos/things that could put YCM on its head. I'm only suggesting something, and if you don't deem it fit, go ahead and lock this.

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I don't realy get why we can't. I need to tell people about MyChemicalRahim's new website!! I can't though because were not even aloud to advertise for websites, i've simply told a couple of people, but it's alot easier to tell evrybody in an advert, but if you do want to go on rahim's website, then just click on the first website in my current sig.

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I totally agree with this. They're afraid-----"OMG HAXXORZ! WE IS GONNA GEET OUR MEMBERZ STOLENS!"




That's not gonna happen. Why would people be "Stolen" from YCM? YCM has something NO OTHER FORUM has. THE CARD MAKER! I don't see why YCMaker is afraid. I back this 110%.

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If its in sigs i dont care. But the mods do. I mean this is a fourm.The internet is a war.You fight for suppremacy.YCM is in the Underground devision. No TV ads Ect. so if enough people leave more will leave because their friends did.*Like my WoW guild SNDS*

BUT this is pathetic we have 1000s of members we could sure spare a few 100.

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