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Dragon God

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first of all to clarify-I do not take credit for the pics.I DO NOT OWN THE PICS!anyway, here is my entry: EDIT: i added a few more pic. last minute, sorry for any inconvinience.






PICTURE CREDITS: Dragon God-google;Giga Dragon-google;Mountain Dragon-DeviantArt~Reeks;Moonlight Dragon-DeviantArt~Gecky;Swamp Dragon-DeviantArt~Malta;Blazing Inferno Dragon-DeviantArt~El Grimlock

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Seosamh - Silhouette of the Dragon





It's pronounced SHO-sav (don't ask)


This card can not be normal summoned or set. This card can only be special summoned by removing from play all DRAGON monsters in your deck, hand, graveyard, and on your side of the field. This card gains 200 ATK and DEF for each DRAGON removed from play by this card's effect. When this card is removed from the field (except as a result of battle), it is special summoned back to the field during your standby phase with the same ATK and DEF it had before. The 3rd time it is summoned this way, it is summoned with 0 ATK and DEF.


Image came from here. But I edited the pic. A lot. So you might not recognize it.

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