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Best of Jord200's numbered status updates


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1. "A banned Looney Toons cartoon where Porky Pig says "That's all folks!", then goes to a slaughter house. 2. "Oh, so Shiek and Zelda aren't the same character now?" "Yep." "WHAT. SHIEK IS ZELDA. YOU SPOILED HYRULE WARRIORS FOR ME." 3. FAIRY GOD PARENTS. 4. OBEY HEX MANIAC. 


1. "Going to try and get back into the game! Let's see... Effect Veiler, check. MST, check. Torrential, check. Forbidden Lance, check. Current Meta.......*looks* ..... Maybe I'll wait a bit longer...." 2. 1 is a true story. 3. Its Feb 17th, why are the Christmas lights still up? Or are we keeping them until Easter again?


1. August 22nd................ I look foward to it. The day the Date a Live movie is released. 2. Sorry about earlier. 3. HEX MAAAAAANNIIAACS~ 4. Happy Easter. If you celebrate it. 5. Found 14 and 18. That puts me at 17 total, I think.


1. Beware my army! Vast in their might! My favorites! 2. Just 3 more weeks in the semester. You're done May 11th. 3. HEX MANIACS. 4.. Manditory Chick Race status. 5. I taught I taw a putty tat! 6. How much to you want to bet we'll never get the remaining 20 or so Numbers? 7. BOATS. BOATS. BOATS. 8. Anyone remember that episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog with "Return the Slab. Or suffer my curse...."


1. ENDERMAN! 2.So..... Bismark ( Kantai Collection ), Reine ( Date a Live ), and Matsu ( Sekirei ) all share a voice. Why does this make me so happy? 3. Card games on hippos. 4. Mami needs her own spinoff. 5. HEEEEEX MAAAANIACCCCS~


1. How long until Avance and Emilia go nuts because their son is dead? 2. MY HEAD IS SNORING. MAKE IT STOP. 3. Caaaarrrll.... 4. HEX MANIACS. 5. .....Dammit, I forgot. 6. SASQUATCH! 7.  Ooooooooooooh. I found something interesting~


1. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49910490So I open Pixiv, and find this. Why....? 2. http://combat-maid-vivit.tumblr.com/post/116842747376/hxppy-bxddy-vagabond-named-veli Holy f***. 3. We need more events.


1. Huh. I thought Homura had darker skin, I didn't know she was just really tanned, probably from training. 2. And no, I am not talking about Lesbian Magical Girl Satan Homura.  3. HEX MANIACS. 4.  If you evolve a Shiny Nincada, will the Shedinja be Shiny too, or just the Ninjask? 5. I LOVE how I tried to build ALL THREE decks from Secret Forces, and ended up scrapping ALL THREE for some reason...... *annoyed sigh*


1. To hell with that purple plant thing boss in Hyrule Warriors..... 2. Dairy Queen gave me food poisoning. 3. MY SWORD CAME, AND THE PAINTING MY FRIEND MADE. :D 4. I sold Porky Pig to the sausage factory for a toothbrush.  5. HHHHHEEEEX MANIAAAAAACS~


1. When in doubt, pinky out. 2. IIIII NNNNNEEEEEDDD ITTT. 3. Do you mean she puts on airs? 4. Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest. 5. Why is Wally's theme in ORAS so badass? 6. Speaking of which, I feel like had you been able to lose to him, he would have went on and beat Steven. 7. FANSERVICE. 8. YANDERES. 9. HEX MANIACS. 10. PANCAKES. 11. LOUD NOISES.


1. *sees new On the Spot, Rooster Teeth's gameshow photos* MY EYES. 2. *eats something that is upsetting my stomach* MY STOMACH. 3. BAGELS. 4. HEX MANIACS. 5. WEEGEE. 6. *May 3rd* MY BIRTHDAY. 7. Is pudding associated with Britian for some reason? 8. Oh God, I hope and wish we see- Ohp. Don't want to risk spoilers for Arc V.


1. I heard a rumor that two classic shows are getting reboots. Codename Kids Next Door, and possibly Dexter's Lab. I heard the rumor on Tumblr, so take it with a grain of salt. 2. .....Of course. The day I decide not to go to locals is the day Return of Bling comes out. Oh well. Might be for the best. This way hype can die down a little. 3. HEX MANIACS. 4. The rest of the semester is just going to keep getting busier. 


1. Wait....Do we have a FIRE Odd-Eyes Fusion yet? 2. How is it already almost June?! 3. Heeeex Maniaaaaacs~ 4. Yosenju Stun seems kind of boring comparing to regular Yosenju. That's just me. 5. Probably try and finish Is This a Zombie or Another today. Maybe start Absolute Duo if I get around to it.


1. I refuse. 2. To change. 3. My username. 4. *Gavin screaming* 5. Wo, where's the lemonade? 6. Happy Lief Erickson Day. 7. Hex Maniacs. 8. Genome Heriter. 9 Me! Me! Me! 10. Caterpie. 11. No Link can resist smashing pots! 12. French Toast. 13. Maid! Kneesocks! Pads!


1. May x Double D was my first OTP I just realized. 2. Anyone got a good decklist for Spirit Beasts? 3. HEX MANIACS. Chitoge best girl. 4. Damn. I need to go grocery shopping. 5. Starting Is This a Zombie Season 2 tonight. 6. LAZER TEAM TRAILER TONIGHT. 7. Kantai Collection is amazing. 8. WHERE'S MY CHAIR?! 9. So many new cards, so little time.

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Oh, I just used any random anime streaming site... but now I know that not even torrenting is that bad, BakaBT is probably where it's at, looks to have a good number of seeders. Not to mention, it's not really even available any other way in English, so... yeah.

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