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Hunter X Hunter (2011)

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I didn't see a topic on this anime, so I thought I'd make one. I have 25 episodes left, and it's quite possibly my new favorite anime series. It's a top five, at least. Anyway, I need to fangirl about this series, so let's discuss it. I'm not finished watching the Chimera Ant arc, but I'd say that this arc and Yorkshin are absolutely brilliant. And I really liked the fight between Gon and Hisoka at Heaven's Arena. And possibly my favorite scene/moment of the entire series was when Gon and Killua were following the Phantom Troupe. Shit was intense.

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This anime is currently my number one.  There's only one other anime that has touched me personally as much, and it was Gurren Lagann.  But as far as Hunter x Hunter goes, I can't compliment it enough.  I laughed, I cried, I got angry, I got excited.  The character development was phenomenal.  Character relationships were perfect.  Villains were both brutal, frightening, and exciting.  I can't get enough of Hunter x Hunter and I've rewatched the entire series twice already.  I absolutely love it!

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I just watched the last episode. I'm contemplating as to where I'd rank it in my top ten favorite anime series of all time. It'll be in the top three no matter what. I, for the first time in nearly two years, cried while watch an anime. Episode 135 had me bawling, and it's EXTREMELY difficult for me to cry, so that says a lot. Chimera Ant and Yorkshin (I think) were too brilliant.

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