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Big Brother 17 is UNDERWAY!

Face McShooty

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now I have a post a few spots down of the houseguests but for those who wanna see a condensed version of them a picture has been provided, this one will be dedicated solely to what goes on in the Big Brother House this summer. The alliances, the twists, the showmances, the backstabs, etc. so I'll try to keep up to date with this, if for some reason I am unable, I have asked Shradow to post the goings-on of the night(s) I miss. Big Brother only comes on CBS on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday each week. It is broken down as such

Wednesdays are USUALLY HOH (Head of Household) competitions

Thursdays are USUALLY the Eviction Nights (with the exception of tonight)

Sundays are the PoV (Power of Veto) competitions


[spoilers=For those unfamiliar with Big Brother]

Big Brother is a game show in which a group of contestants, referred to as HouseGuests, live in a custom built "house", constantly under video surveillance. While in the house, the contestants are completely isolated from the outside world, meaning no phone, television, internet, magazines, newspaper, or contact with those not in the house.This rule could be broken, however, in the event of a family emergency or passing.The format of the series is mainly seen as a social experiment, and requires HouseGuests to interact with others who may have differing ideals, beliefs, and prejudices. While a competition, the series allows viewers to witness the relationships formed in the house and the behavior of the HouseGuests.Though locked in the house, the HouseGuests are free to quit the game, though will not be allowed entry back into the house. Should a HouseGuest break the rules of the game, they could be expelled from the house, and unable to return. The contestants compete for a $500,000 grand prize.




On Night 1 of the 2 Night season premiere we were introduced to our first 8 houseguests of the summer (Audrey, Austin, Clay, Da'Vonne, Jace, James, Meg, and Shelli) with Da'Vonne and Clay withholding their real careers (Poker Dealer and Football Player respectively) in hopes of them withholding said information helping them in the game. Audrey announced the the other 7 houseguests that she is the first Transgender person to play Big Brother. The other houseguests are very supportive of her coming out with such information. We also see our first alliance form (Audrey, Da'Vonne, and Shelli) because they have all agreed that a woman should win this season after the last couple of seasons had a male dominated house with a male winner. We also see a mutual attraction between Clay and Shelli, despite Clay being 10 years younger than Shelli. Julie Chen also informed the current houseguests that this will be the most twisted season ever and to "expect the unexpected" which is the tagline for the show. The first twist is that the Battle of the Block competition from last season will be returning. In this twist, there will be two Heads of Household, they will each nominate 2 houseguests for eviction and the nominated houseguests will compete to get themselves off the block. The 2 houseguests that win will be removed from the block and safe from eviction, HOWEVER the HoH that put them up on the block will be dethroned and he could serve as a replacement nominee for one of the remaining houseguests up for eviction. So essentially, a HoH could go from being in power to being out the door. We had our first HoH competition after the first 8 had to choose a houseguest to sit out of the first competition, which Da'Vonne stepped up and said she'd sit out if the others didn't nominate her, which they agreed to; HoH ("Flying Tomatoes"): The HouseGuests, standing on movable perches, were pelted with plastic tomatoes; as HouseGuests fell off, they were eliminated. The first HouseGuest to catch ten tomatoes or the last one remaining on the perch, whichever occurred first, became the first Head of Household. It came down to Audrey, Jace, James and Shelli as the final 4 in the first HoH. All 4 fell at the same time so it came down to a photo finish on who touched the floor last. James became our first HoH of the summer. After the competition, Julie announced the 2nd twist to the Houseguests; the BB Takeover; which means we will see a guest each week announce a new twist to the game that could very well last the remainder of the game. To end the night, Julie told JUST AMERICA (either watching at home or in the live audience) the 3rd twist; the Twin Twist. One houseguests has an identical twin who will be playing as him/her every other week. If they make it through the 5th Eviction night, we will see BOTH the original houseguest AND their twin enter the house and play the game as seperate entities. As of this post, we have no idea (other than rumors) on who the houseguest is with the twin.


On Night 2 of the season premiere, we were introduced to Becky, Jason, John, Liz, Steve, and Vanessa. Then we had our first BB Takeover of the season, it being The Amazing Race's own Phil Keoghan. The twist he gave to us is that 2 former contestants from The Amazing Race will be joining the other 14 houseguests to compete for the half million; The Amazing Race 26 alumni Jeff and Jackie. Like with the first 8, one of the 2nd group of 8 had to sit out from the first HoH competiton, after much thinking and consideration, Vanessa said she'd sit out. HoH ("UFOh No"): The seven HouseGuests held onto a pole while a harness pulled them upward. The last HouseGuest left hanging onto their pole became the second Head of Household. When only Jackie and Jason remained, Jason promised her that he wouldn't nominate her if she dropped out of the competition; she did, and Jason won. After the competition, Phil returned to inform Da'Vonne and Vanessa that they would receive a repercussion for sitting out of the competitions. However, we do not know whether the reprecussions will be good or bad.

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I'm not gonna say much about what went on during the live feeds since we usually find out the nominees and all that important stuff on the live feeds. without giving away too much, here's some of the stuff we found out on the live feeds.

Austin and Jace seemed to have formed an alliance, it seems as though everyone with the exception of Austin, finds Jace to be super annoying. I bet with me saying that y'all can figure out who the first target of the summer is.

That's all I'm saying about the live feeds at this time.

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Live feeds - Day 3

It seems like Jace is no longer the target, or if he still is, he was doing damage control yesterday.

Audrey seems to have formed alliances with everyone in the house, that could end up hurting her game because she's gonna send someone out possibly forgetting who she's truly in an alliance with.

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Day 4 (CBS broadcast & Live feeds)

On the broadcast[\b]

Jason and James discussed in the HoH room who should go home, Audrey & Da'Vonne joined them and Jason & James asked for their input and said Jace. Audrey suggested backdooring Jace since he's a beast in competition, so Jason & James had to discuss the potential pawns to put up for the Battle of the Block. During the nomination ceremony, Jason nominated Becky & John and James nominated Steve & Jackie. The Battle of the Block competition was to walk across balance beams, with one rotating beam and 2 wrecking balls, and build a tower out of blocks then both members of their team go back across the beams and hit their button. Becky & John won, thus removing them from the block and keeping them safe for the week, it also dethroned the HoH that put them up, Jason, making James the sole HoH. Also in the broadcast, Jace & Austin came up with a name for their alliance; ShellTown.

Live Feeds[\b]

Jace & Austin have included Liz into their ShellTown alliance and it seems to be those 3 against the rest of the house.

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About 3:30 AM in Cali, Jace & Audrey had a yelling match with Jace exposing Audrey's game and Audrey calling Jace "America's idiot". Jace said later today he wants to hold a house meeting.

When he has the house meeting, I'll do my best to not ruin the PoV and if it was used and who the replacement is. So it'll be very vague

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The houseguests are on an indoor lockdown, production is most likely setting up tomorrow's HoH competition so they will be cooped up in the house until after the live eviction tomorrow, will post the PoV competition, the results, if the Veto is used and on who, and the replacement nominee after it airs on CBS tonight

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lots to cover just on the CBS broadcast; first Da'Vonne and Clay had a meltdown, over really nothing. Then Audrey made sure James still was gonna backdoor Jace, then she started bringing in other houseguests, at 5 AM, to let them in on the plan. Those houseguests were; Jason, Meg, Jeff, Clay, and Shelli. Jeff was PISSED because he was having a pillow talk alone with Meg, I smell a potential showmance between Jeff and Meg. The PoV competition was fixing to start but before they could find out what the competiton was, the 2 nominees up for eviction (Steve & Jackie) and James had to draw 1 other houseguest each to play the competition with them. James, as HoH, drew first and he drew Becky. Jackie drew John and Steve drew Housguest's Choice and chose Jason. James also had to draw a houseguest to be the host and drew Austin. The PoV competiton was a spelling competiton, each letter had a number and the houseguest who had the highest score wins the PoV. Steve had the biggest word with the biggest score (Trombonists) and won the Power of Veto. Obviously Steve used the PoV on himself and thus James had to name a replacement nominee; which was Jace, who felt betrayed since him and Austin THOUGHT they formed an alliance with James and Audrey. Austin said in the Diary Room afterwards that he was going to get to the bottom of who's bright idea it was to backdoor Jace.


Now onto the feeds since I can say things without being so vague since tomorrow is a live show. Jace is working on flipping the house in Jace's favor to keep him in the house and send Jackie out the door. So far Jace has Austin's, Meg's, Steve's, John's and I believe Jeff's votes to flip the house. He's being told that he also has Clay's and Audrey's vote and that Audrey is oblivious to her being his main target if the flip works. If the flip works, it'll be one of the greatest moves in Big Brother history, in my opinion. Still not much going on other than Jace "psuedo-campaigning" so Audrey doesn't realize he's campaigning to stay even though she's supposedly one of the one's who will flip the house. Tomorrow I will just do the live eviction and the HoHs, if it is finished before the end of the CBS broadcast, otherwise I won't do an update until Sunday when we find out who the HoH's are, if we don't watch the live feeds anyway. If the HoH isn't finished before the end of the broadcast, I will just say who is left in the competiton.

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The first live eviction of the summer!

Last night we saw Jace's attempt to flip the house ultimately fail unfortunately, he was evicted by a 12-1 vote, the 1 to keep him wasn't who I thought it'd be either (Austin) it was Audrey. He was classy in his exit by not blowing up anyone's games. I missed the HoH but kept up with it via Twitter and read that Becky and Shelli became the new HoHs before the end of the CBS broadcast.

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Everyone has seemed to come together to get Audrey out, with the exception of Shelli. Shelli's main target is Da'Vonne. Shelli nominated John & Da'Vonne and Becky nominated Jason & Steve. In the Battle of the Block, John was asked to throw the competition, but the competition was so difficult for Da'Vonne that John didn't have to do anything to throw it. Steve & Jason won with ease so Becky was dethroned and Shelli's plan to send Da'Vonne out became much more possible, however if somehow Da'Vonne wins the PoV, Audrey will be backdoored.

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I finally updated the first image that has Jace's pic B&W, meaning he's been evicted, tomorrow or some time after that, it'll be updated again with whoever is evicted tomorrow's pic B&W.

For the CBS broadcast, we heard lots of game talk, such as Audrey getting backdoored, a pawn going up, that pawn being saved and another pawn go up. We go to the PoV competition, Da'Vonne, Shelli and John compete and they draw names to find out who they play with, Shelli drew Houseguest's Choice and she chose Clay (shocker... NOT!), Da'Vonne picked Steve, and wasn't very happy about it, and John picked Meg, who alot of viewers see a budding showmance between. The competiton is to find the missing item that was asked for but not shown in a picture, John won and used the PoV to pull himself off the block, even though Shelli asked him not to use the PoV and leave the nominations the same. Shelli named Meg as John's replacement.

The live feeds (from what I've read) Da'Vonne has figured out that it's Liz that has a twin playing and as of the live feeds today, the only two who don't know about Liz being the twin are Audrey and Austin. Austin's only ally in the game having a twin could serious mess up his game.

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On the CBS broadcast we saw a mysterious telephone box appear in the living room. As the last part of Kathy Griffin's BB Takeover, we find out that whoever answers the 7th phone call gets the Power of the Last Laugh which means he or she can make 3 votes not count in the eviction, and the HG that answered the 7th call was Da'Vonne. She chose to make Jackie's, Jeff's and Becky's votes not count. Unfortunately Da'Vonne DIDN'T get the last laugh because she was voted out by a vote of 7-2 with the 2 to vote Meg out being Jason and Audrey. Da'Vonne ALSO figured out the twin twist because she noticed one was skinnier than the other. Rob Gronkowski was announced as the next BB Takeover host, his first plan of action being no have-nots this week. The HoH competition was essentially a large game of beer pong with each cup having a number in it. The two houseguests to become HoHs were Vanessa and Austin

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without ruining too much, I'll just say who the 2 HoH's target is for this week; and it's not Audrey even though EVERYONE in the house wants her gone. Vanessa's and Austin's target is actually Jeff, not really sure why without ruining too much. All I know is there was a confrontation between Austin, Vanessa, Clay, Shelli and Jeff.

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In the CBS broadcast, we start off with Vanessa finding out the truth about Liz/Julia (playing as 1 person). Julia confides in Vanessa to not tell anyone HOWEVER Vanessa reassures Julia that the one's she'll tell will do everything to keep her safe until Liz & Julia can play as 2 separate people. Julia agrees and Vanessa tells Clay, Shelli and Austin. Austin, at first, is completely dumbfounded then he realizes that it's true. Vanessa, Austin, Clay, Shelli and Liz (Julia and Liz have switched places by this time) form an alliance they call Sixth Sense (Julia being the 6th member). Onto the nomination ceremony, but first, both Austin & Vanessa agree that while Audrey is a threat, if they get rid of her now, Austin & Vanessa will be the biggest threats so they decide they have to get 1 of 3 people out; James, Jason or Jeff. Vanessa says her number 1 target out of those 3 is Jeff. During the nomination ceremony, Austin nominates Meg & Jason and Vanessa nominates James & John. Vanessa pleads with John to throw the Battle of the Block again, which he agrees. The Battle of the Block is a Lost & Found Foam Party competition. Houseguests have to alternate on going to a pile of lost items through a wall of foam to a partier with the same pattern that is on the item they have, HOWEVER there is a maze WITHIN the foam. Like last week, John didn't have to throw the competition because James did horrible. Jason & Meg win BoB, thus dethroning Austin. Vanessa's plans to get either James or Jeff out is in total effect.

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Got lots to cover so I'll just cover the key points from both last night and tonight.

Last night

The players picked for the Veto were; Vanessa drew Shelli, John drew Houseguest Choice and chose Austin and James drew Audrey.

The competition was a five round elimination style competition where 2 HGs got inside life size dice and walked in it to get the result spun. John (yet again) wins the PoV.

Jeff dragged Clay, Shelli, Austin & Vanessa's names through the mud and as a result after John pulled himself off the block, Vanessa named Jeff as the replacement nominee.

Eviction night

Jeff is evicted by a vote of 7-4.

We find out that the theme for BB 17 this week is 90's week.

Our next HoH competition is a true/false competition.

Liz/Julia and Shelli are our new HoHs

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Let me try something else with this; I'll use BBFeedster.com's recaps for certain days (mainly the day RIGHT BEFORE the live eviction) and then I'll just to a recap of the CBS Broadcast, maybe this'll go a little better


DAY 34!

9:50 AM BBT: Wake up call.

10:25 AM BBT: Clay asks Shelli what she thinks about the alliance he suggested last night between the two of them, Jason, and Meg. Shelli says yes, and says they should add John and Jackie to that potential alliance. Clay tells her that they have to be careful because they’re good with too many people. Shelli says that they can have a final 4 with the two, Meg, and Jason, then they can just open a line of communication between them two, Jackie, and John.

Shelli tells Clay that Meg, Jason, James, and Becky all want to get Liz out next. Clay tells her that Austin, Liz, and Steve will all be targeted before they will. Shelli tells him that Austin is the new target, they should just go with it because at least it isn’t them. Shelli tells him that Vanessa suggested they put up someone from their own alliance so that they don’t draw suspicion, so they should put up Austin since that’s what other people in the house want.

11:55 AM BBT: Vanessa tells Clay and Shelli that she caught Jason and Jackie talking late last night, so now they know for a fact that they two of them are working together. Vanessa says it’s obvious that they’re working together since she didn’t take the deal that she offered her. Vanessa tells Clay and Shelli that Jason, James, Meg, are equivalent to her, Shelli, Clay, and Austin.

12:05 PM BBT: Shelli tells Clay that their idea of working with Jason and Meg doesn’t really work anymore now that Vanessa is so against them. Clay and Shelli agree that they’ll still try and talk to Jason and Meg about working together, but that they’re going to try and have those two lead the conversation. Shelli tells him that they’re going to have to do whatever they can to protect Vanessa if they don’t include her in the four person alliance. Clay tells her that if they bring up Vanessa, Austin, Steve, and Liz, they’ll have to try and deflect the target from Vanessa and put the target on Austin, Steve, and Liz.

Shelli asks Clay who he would nomiante. Clay tells her that he’d put up Becky and Austin since Vanessa said they should put up someone from their alliance. Clay tells her that he doesn’t want to put up Steve, but that’s still an option. Shelli tells Clay that if he nominates Jackie, then their potential deal with John and Jackie wouldn’t work. Clay tells her than he’d just put up Becky and Steve. Clay tells her that the ideal situation for Austin to agree to be nominated to deflect from their alliance and he goes up with Becky.

12:15 PM BBT: Clay asks Jason who he’d put up if he wins HOH. Jason tells him that he’d want to put up Steve and Austin, with Austin being the target. Jason tells them that Jackie said they should backdoor Austin, but he (Jason) doesn’t feel like it would be worth burning bridges by putting up a pawn, so they should just put him up outright and have Liz as a backup target if him and Steve win the Battle of the Block.

12:30 PM BBT: Austin tells Liz that once she leaves and Julia reenters, he’s going to start “Operation Jason”, where he’ll start working on Jason, bringing him to their side and slowly letting him into their inner circle and confirming to him that she’s a twin. Austin tells her that Jason really like him, so hopefully he can appeal to Jason’s reasoning and that he’ll agree to work with them.

Austin tells Liz that the second stage of his plan is to vote for Audrey so that he has the insurance plan of framing Steve as America’s Player if Steve doesn’t win the next Head of Household to keep the two of them safe.

3:25 PM BBT: Vanessa brings up Jackie not accepting her deal again. She tells Shelli that Jackie, John, Becky, and Steve are the social floaters who are floating back and forth depending on who is in power, so that’s who they should get out next. Shelli asks Vanessa if she has any deals with Steve. Vanessa says she has a “We’re good” agreement with Steve, but that doesn’t mean she can’t nominate him. Shelli tells her that Steve isn’t trying to win competitions, that he only wins the ones where he knows he has to.

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