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[Archetype] Ignitius


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With the implementation of pendulum i decided to make an archetype to utilize them and I also wanted to make rituals with the return of them so I combined them to create the Ignitius archetype. They are based around banish your cards in order to utilize the monsters' power full effects as well as triggering the ritual spell effects. I decided to make most of them Sea Serpent because the lack of them especially in the Fire attribute because there can be seas of lava which these are based around. Due to this typing they synergize greatly with Oh F!sh! and Fish and Kicks. As always CnC is greatly appreciated.


[spoiler=Lore]P:(4) You cannot Special Summon monsters, except "Ignitius" monsters. This effect cannot be negated. Once per turn, you can tribute 1 “Ignitius” monster you control; banish that monster and if you do add 1 “Ignitius” card from your deck to your hand.

E: This card is treated as a Normal Monster while in your hand or on the field. 

You can Ritual Summon this card with any "Ignitius" Ritual Spell Card. If this card is Ritual Summoned it become an Effect Monster with this effect.

? If this card is Summoned you can tribute 1 “Ignitius” card you control; then target Spell/Trap cards and/or face-up Monster cards up to the number of your banished “Ignitius” cards; destroy those cards. You can tribute this card; Special Summon 1 “Ignitius Serpent - Terra-Diomedes” from your hand. That monster is treated as an Effect Monster, and it gains its effect.



[spoiler=Lore]P:(7) You cannot Special Summon monsters, except "Ignitius" monsters. This effect cannot be negated. During your End Phase if you Banished an “Ignitius” Spell Card(s) this turn you can target 1 of those Banished cards and add it to your hand.

E: This card is treated as a Normal Monster while in your hand or on the field. You can Ritual Summon this card with any "Ignitius" Ritual Spell Card. If this card is Ritual Summoned it become an Effect Monster with this effect.

● Once per turn, you can banish 1 “Ignitius” card from your hand or Graveyard, then target 1 “Ignitius” card in your Graveyard; add it to your hand.If this card is Tributed by an “Ignitius” card effect: You can Special Summon 1 “Ignitius Naga - Arden-Rostam” from your deck. That monster is treated as an Effect Monster, and gains its effect.



[spoiler=Lore]P:(4) You cannot Special Summon monsters, except "Ignitius" monsters. This effect cannot be negated. You can Pendulum Summon your banished “Ignitius” monsters.

E: This card is treated as a Normal Monster while in your hand or on the field.

You can Ritual Summon this card with any "Ignitius" Ritual Spell Card. If this card is Ritual Summoned it become an Effect Monster with this effect.

● If this card is Summoned you can banish all “Ignitius” cards in your Graveyard. Once per turn you can target cards up to the number of your banished “Ignitius” cards; cards with the names of the targeted cards cannot be activated and their effects are negated until the End Phase also all of the targeted monsters lose 100 ATK for each of your banished “Ignitius” cards all and cannot attack or change their battle positions until the end of the next turn.You can only use 1 effect of this card per turn.



[spoiler=Lore]P:(7) You cannot Special Summon monsters, except "Ignitius" monsters. This effect cannot be negated. You can tribute 1 “Ignitius” monster you control; target 1 of your banished “Ignitius” Pendulum cards, then Special Summon this card and if you do send that banished card to the Pendulum Zone. This card is treated as an Effect Monster and gains its effect. If an "Ignitius" card(s) leaves the field; banish that card(s).

E: This card is treated as a Normal Monster while in your hand or on the field.

You can Ritual Summon this card with any "Ignitius" Ritual Spell Card. If this card is Ritual Summoned it become an Effect Monster with this effect.

 If this card is Summoned you can target 1 of your banished “Ignitius” monsters, then Banish the top 3 cards of your Deck; Special Summon that monster in attack position. That monster is treated as an Effect Monster and gains its effect. Reduce the original ATK of that monster to 0 and it cannot change its battle position. You can only use this effect of “Ignitius Naga - Arden-Rostam” once per turn. You cannot activate this the turn you activate the Pendulum Effect of "Ignitius Naga- Areden-Rostam".



[spoiler=Lore]This card is treated as a Normal Monster while in your hand or on the field.

You can Ritual Summon this card with any "Ignitius" Ritual Spell Card. If this card is Ritual Summoned it become an Effect Monster with this effect.

● If this card is Ritual Summoned you can banish up to 2 “Ignitius” cards from your deck. Once per turn you can banish 1 "Ignitius" card from your Deck. You can only activate 1 of this card’s effects per turn.



[spoiler=Lore]This card is treated as a Normal Monster while in your hand or on the field.

You can Ritual Summon this card with any "Ignitius" Ritual Spell Card. If this card is Ritual Summoned it become an Effect Monster with this effect.

● Once per turn you can return 3 of your banished “Ignitius” cards to your Graveyard; banish 1 of your opponent’s card.




[spoiler=Lore]This card is treated as a Normal Monster while in your hand or on the field.

You can Ritual Summon this card with any "Ignitius" Ritual Spell Card. If this card is Ritual Summoned it become an Effect Monster with this effect.

● At the end of your Battle Phase; banish “Ignitius” cards from your deck up to the number of “Ignitius” monsters that inflicted damage this turn. During each of your End Phases you can Banish the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard.



[spoiler=Lore]This card can be used to Ritual Summon any "Ignitius" Ritual Monster. Tribute “Ignitius” monsters from your hand or field, then Ritual Summon 1 "Ignitius" Ritual Monster from your Deck whose Level is less than or equal to the total Levels of those monsters during your End Phase. If this card is banished by an “Ignitius” card effect; target 1 of your banished “Ignitius” cards, except “Ignitius Whirling Vortex”; add it to your hand.



[spoiler=Lore]This card can be used to Ritual Summon any "Ignitius" Ritual Monster. Tribute “Ignitius” monsters from your hand or field, and/or banish face-up monsters from your Extra deck, then Ritual Summon 1 "Ignitius" Ritual Monster from your hand whose Level is less than or equal to the total Levels of those monsters, then banish all monsters tributed by this effect. If this card is banished by an “Ignitius” card effect; target 1 card on the field and send that card to the Graveyard.



[spoiler=Lore]This card can be used to Ritual Summon any “Ignitius” Ritual Monster. Tribute monsters from your hand, field or Graveyard, then Ritual summon 1 “Ignitius” Ritual Monsters from your hand whose level is less than or equal to the total levels of those monsters, then banish all monsters tributed by this effect. If this card is banished by an “Ignitius” card effect; banish 1 “Ignitius” monster from your deck, then target 1 “Ignitius card you control with the same level; return that card to your hand, then Special Summon it. That monster is treated as an effect monster and gains its effect.


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