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Leaving Contest 1st price all my points and 6 reps!


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I'm leaving the forums. If you see me online i'm either watching this contest or on the card maker. If you see me online when this has finished then i'm on the card maker.


Ok lets get on with the contest. You have to make a set of 30 cards of the same type. The set has to contain atleast 4 spells,4 traps, 2 fusions, 1 ritual monster and 1 ritual spell. They all need the right spellings. Your not allowed anymore than 4 normal monsters. You are allowed a boaster pack or structer deck picture to go with the cards but you don't have to.

Ends 30th April 2008

Only 1 winner.

1st = 6 reps and all my points.


Good luck!

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