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Booster Contest

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I am the friend of someone who works for yugioh any way if you send me a card it will be entered in my contest.The top three winners will get their cards made into actual cards and Will get 100 COPIES OF THAT CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.




1. You can only submit five entries. If more than 5 you are disqualified.


2. Youmust donate to me five points


3.This contest will not run for realllllllllllllly long i should have a deadline date up here soon


The top three might also get thier cards put in shonen jump and YU-GI-OH GX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So hurry and submit those cards

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Some people are so Gullable...^_^...yeah right...is there even a company called Yu-gi-oh...?...I could have sworn it was Konami...look what happens when Dj Osiris is gone for a few days...lol...Don't buy into this cheap trick...and DON'T DONATE 5 POINTS!!!

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>.> Even if this was true, this would cause enormous copyrights issues.

If you look at the cards' images that you made, what do you see?

A good image?

Well, all I see all images that we "took" from other artists.

Unless these images were from you, which I doubt, unless it was Shonenhikada cards of course, these would highly invade copyright laws. >.>

Also, I doubt Konami would really release any cards with OCG errors.


If you are trying to scam someone, at least make it believable. >.> Not that I'm trying to promote anyone to scam others.


-Sorry, but it had to be said. O_O

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