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Vague ramble/rant about how I want to rant

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So like this is the thing okay listen here or don't idc it's up to you.

Like I just. I dunno. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings that I don't understand or do understand and are hard for me to deal with in some way.

And I wanna just say it all and be like "Hey people I got these thoughts and this is how I'm feeling" but I just can't do it.

There's so much crap that is weighing on my mind and, more to the point, on my heart. It could be better to just be up front about it but I don't even know where to start. I don't even know what's legit or imagined anymore with this.


Why am I writing this? I don't know, it might be a plea or help but not really because I do not want a bunch of people asking what's wrong.

Maybe I just want people to know that there is something. I'm busted and confused in many many ways and you all should know that. Especially as you people for the most part seem to like me. Never once think that I'm a sane and stable individual.

So yeah, that's basically it. I have a lot that's constantly weighing on my mind. Some good in some ways mostly not so good but very few of them against anyone besides myself.


Um. Yeah remember how I used to feels all over the place when I've stayed up too late and my emotions get bared? Yeah that's kinda what's going on here.


I'm gonna regret this in the morning. I'm gonna be certain people will be annoyed or think it's pathetic and whatever but I feel like I should say...something. Even if that something is just me saying I can't say the things I want to say.

funk I need to figure a lotta sheet out.

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