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Holo Tutorial for Photoscape

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I'm not sure if this has been done before but heck with it, enjoy my first tutorial. ;)


Step 1: Open Photoscape (this is an essential :D)


Step 2: Select 'Editor' (the image with the camera.)


Step 3: At the bottom right of the screen open the image of your card.


Step 4: At the bottom section (where you edit your cards) select 'Object'


Step 5: Click on 'Photo' (from the pop up list select 'photo' again)


Step 6: From the list of images, select your holo sheet you wish to use on the card.


Step 7: Set the opacity to what you think suites the card (it various depending on the contrast of the card image and holo sheet.)


Step 8: Size the holo sheet to fit the card image (or whatever other part of the card your holoing.)


Step 9: Save your finished card. And there you go. ^_^


*Screenshots will be up soon. ^_^*

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