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What do u think of my Burn Deck?

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This is the Burn Deck i have made on 1 of my Yu-Gi-Oh games(if any1 knows where i can get these cards cheap or if you hav them to swap plz tell me)

Here it is:-

Monsters x 23

Fire Trooperx3

Des Koalax3

Stealth Birdx3

Giant Germx3

Blast Spherex2

Princess Of Tsurugix2

Ebon Magician Curran


Catapult Turtle

Cannon Soldier

Cannon Soldier MK2

Rapid-Fire Magician



Spells x 22

Dark Room Of Nightmarex3


Final Flamex3

Poison Of The Old Manx3

Wave-Motion Cannonx3

Enchanted Arrow

Linear Acceleration Cannon

Mask Of Dispel

Mask Of The Accursed

Nitro Unit

Tremendous Fire

Thunder Crash


Traps x 5

Mask Of Restrict

Chain Burst

Bad Reaction To Simochi

Dimension Wall

Magical Cylinder


Basically like all Burn decks the idea is to reduce your opponents lp to 0 as quickly as possible, but another strategy is to lure my opponent in by placing a weak monster that has already used its effect e.g Princess Of Tsurugi in ATK mode and then using a trap like Magical Cylinder or Dimension Wall. The idea of the Mask cards is that my opponents Continuous cards and monsters come with a price and Mask Of Restrict prevents my opponent from playing any powerful monsters (which obviously isn't a problem 4 me as all my monsters except Cannon Soldier MK2 and Catapult Turtle are lv4 or below.) So there it is plz tell me what you think of it:D:D:DTHANKS!!!

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-3 Fire Trooper

-3 Giant Germ

-2 Princess Of Tsurugi

-1 Ebon Magician Curran

-1 Bowganian

-1 Catapult Turtle

-1 Cannon Soldier

-1 Cannon Soldier MK2

-1 Rapid Fire Magician


+1 Spirit Reaper

+3 Solar Flare Dragon

+1 Sangan

+3 Lava Golem

+1 Morphing Jar [Your call]



-3 Dark Room of Nightmare

-3 Ookazi

-3 Final Flame

-3 Poison of the Old Man

-1 Enchanted Arrow

-1 Linear Acceleration Cannon

-1 Mask Of Dispel

-1 Mask Of The Accursed

-1 Nitro Unit

-1 Tremendous Fire

-1 Thunder Crash


+1 Level Limit - Area B

+3 Messenger of Peace

+1 Meteor of Destruction/Tremendous Fire

+1 Mystrical Space Typhoon

+1 Heavy Storm

+1 Swords of Revealing Light




-1 Mask Of Restrict

-1 Bad Reaction To Simochi

-1 Dimension Wall


+1 Gravity Bind

+1 Ceasefire

+3 Just Desserts

+1 Mirror Force

+1 Torrential Tribute


I didn't count, I may have exceeded 40 cards. But I just tried throwing some general ideas out there.


At some point I considered stopping because it's just a game, but I was so close to finishing the list by then I didn't care.

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