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Duel Of Fate!


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Just made a new card,

Name:Duel Of Fate!


Effect:This card cannot be destroyed by a spell or trap card. When Duel Of Fate is activated, each player rolls a die, if it lands on 1-2, they're monsters are counted as "Barbarians". If the die lands on 3-4, they are counted as "Vampires". If the die lands on 5-6, they are counted as "Valkyries". If a Barbarian type monster battles or is attacked by a Vampire type monster, the Barbarian monster gains 500 ATK and DEF. If a Vampire type monster battles or is attacked by a Valkyrie type monster, the Vampire monster gains 500 ATK and DEF. If a Valkyrie type monster battles or is attacked a Barbarian type monster, the Valkyrie monster gains 500 ATK and DEF. If any of the same type of monster fights, lower the ATK and DEF of both of the monsters. 


What do you guys think?

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Cool, this is like playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, but generally some monsters have way higher ATK than others so some monsters may just lose entirely because they just don't have enough ATK. Also Vampire, Barbarians, and Valkyries are not real Types but are instead Archetypes. You could reword this with their names being treated as those monsters or just rewrite it into real Types. And finally, specify how much you lower the ATK and DEF (although I'm pretty sure this really won't make a difference, I think that this should just be removed). Specify what kind of Spell it is too, like a Field Spell, Continuous Spell, Normal Spell, etc. Now, ATK and DEF boosts aren't really viable and aren't useful since we are now past that age, and now have effects that bounce, destroy, and banish.


That's really all I got.

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New Effect, also it is continuous.


"This card cannot be destroyed by a spell or trap card. When Duel Of Fate is activated, each player rolls a die, if it lands on 1-2, they're monsters are counted as "Fire". If the die lands on 3-4, they are counted as "Dark". If the die lands on 5-6, they are counted as "Water". If a Fire type monster battles or is attacked by a Dark type monster, the Dark type monster is instantly destroyed, and that amount is added to the Fire type monster. If a Dark type monster battles or is attacked by a Water type monster, the Dark type monster player can take control of the Water type as long as the Water type monster has 2 or less stars/levels then the Dark type monster. If a Water type monster battles or is attacked by a Fire type monster, the Fire type monster is banished."

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