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How to make people see the cards you play

Eddie McBean

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I see that a lot of people are having trouble with having people to actually see the cards... YCM card maker does not work, just letting that out there, to actually be able to see the cards, the best option, that I found at least, is TCGEditor, which, with a quick google search is possible to download (Basically the same, but this actually works on Duel Portal) so there's that... If you have your created cards here on Ycm, you can make the process quicker by doing copy and paste of the effect from here to the TCGEditor card (One thing though, you must save the images on the computer and upload to imgur the cards... It's the only way), it's time consuming, but it works. No offense to the card maker option, it is brilliant, but it doesn't work on DP, thus why I posted this thing (I mostly use this one more than TCG Editor because it's faster and I just find it easier to manage)

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