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Aikatsu Stars!


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Twin of Kii in the back.


The series will feature a new protagonist named Yume Nijino. Yume aims to become a top idol, and she enrolls in the Yotsusei Gakuen (Four Stars Academy). This academy has a special group called the S4, who are the top four active idols in the school. Yume and the other first-year students aim to become a part of the S4.

It looks like Aikatsu had to go the route of completely new cast and setting... the bad news is if they limit themselves to new music, because seasons 3 & 4 were definitely doing less of the same song 2 eps in a row. It was still there, but less. I hope they do older songs sometimes with like a kind of "cover the legends" thing, or something. But they probably have to change things up like this, to stand a chance at staying successful.


Anyway, one really good thing that comes out of this is that it's basically a brand new series with I assume them using what they learnt with the updated CG, so anyone who was turned off by that is welcome to try again. Airing April 7, but I've known the subs of the current Aikatsu to show up around Sundays.

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