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Hero Bank

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In this anime, players participate in "Hero Battles" using Bankfon Gs, circular iPhone-like devices which allows them to rent powerful hero suits and fight battles against other players in cyberspace, receiving power boosts from the public who can watch the battles as they are televised. Kaito Gōshō, a young elementary school student who is always eager to help others, ends up hastily signing a contract to rent the powerful hero suit, Enter the Gold, from a mysterious priest named Sennen. However, he soon learns that this suit comes with a debt with 10 billion yen, which Kaito must now pay back by winning Hero Battles.


Hero Bank originated as a video game for the 3DS in Japan but garnered enough popularity to get an anime adaptation. It's a typical shounen anime, hero is a reckless kid who gets in over his head but becomes stronger and grows as a person as the show progresses. It's 51 episodes long and is divided into 2 seasons, season 1 which is 26 episodes and season 2 which is 25 episodes. Season 1 is a tournament style arc and season 2 is the "save the world" arc.


WARNING WARNING WARNING: The main character, Kaito, tends to lose his pants and makes a lot of butt and poop jokes. Also, if a hero suit is damaged enough it will be destroyed leaving the wearer completely naked in front of a national/international audience, this happens to Kaito on several occasions most notably in episode 1.

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