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Fire Gym Leader


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What are your design ideas and/or reference when creating this character? Is it a firefighter or martial artist?

This was, as usual, a trainer sprite made using parts from other trainers sprites. Well, I also used charizard's tail flame for the fire. I originally wanted to make a fire fighter, but I had trouble making the design fit the 64x64 limitation. Instead, this guy is a pyromaniac. Wanna see what I used? http://prntscr.com/ayfruf


I got Lance's head, put it on Lt. Surge's body, then swapped Lt. Surge's legs with the scientist's. After recoloring the suit red and yellow, I decided to add charizard's tail flame to the pokeball for good measure. Lastly, I added my own personal touch to the hair, giving it yellow tips. As you can see from the update, I removed the yellow from the suit and added blue instead. I think it looks better that way.

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