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Power Rangers Television Franchise

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Here you can talk about any and every TV series of Power Rangers, from MMPR to Super Dino Charge and here is where news of Ninja Steel, the PR after Super Dino Charge, will go. Talk about your favorite Ranger from each series, which color Ranger is your favorite out of every series. Heck, even your favorite villains, supporting characters, Zords, anything! Here's a video of every Power Rangers intro from MMPR to Super Dino Charge!



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A great series that's kept itself fresh for over 20 years without a single reboot or alteration to continuity to keep it going. Instead, they build upon the show's universe with new characters, lore, themes, and motifs every season. In a way, it's like the Magic: The Gathering of superhero TV shows.


Nowadays, it's a breath of fresh air from all the other live-action superhero shows that want to be dark and edgy and have forgettable Han Zimmer-wannabe music. It embraces the silliness of superheroes turned up to 12 with a straight face while being an overall serious show.


Favorite Rangers, going with Quantum Ranger. He's one of the few sixth rangers who felt like part of the show and not like a third wheel to the main team. I also like the RPM and Dino Charge rangers. The RPM team always flowed so well together with their dialogue, and Judd Lynn knows how to give quality screentime to a team of soon-to-be-10 rangers.

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^ THAT'S the way to start off this thread.

I gotta go with Billy from MMPR as my favorite Ranger, just cause of the way he acted, David Yost was the perfect actor for him. My favorite TV series though, would have to be between Turbo and In Space. Gotta go with Rita and Zedd as my favorite villains, since I'm not including movie villains, although Turbo movie things will be accepted since it's canon unlike the MMPR movie... And too bad the MMPR movie isn't canon because Ivan Ooze is my all time favorite villain.

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