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Duel Arena Version 1 Theme: On the road to the best!


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Enter the duel arena!!!!!! Much more better than the other duel arena by hunterb!!!! This version ends on 4/24/08. After this either a tourney or version 2 will be released Rules: 1. One card per duel. 2. No cussing. 3. No advertising. 4. No betting with money. If both players agree you may bet points.


Way to make cards for arena: The duel arena is a place to have fun, not to struggle with a card just to win even if it cost you points. You cannot use spell and trap cards. The effect of the monster does not matter. A monster ATK cannot exceed 4000 as so its DEF. If its ATK exceeds 3000 its DEF cannot be greater than 800. Same as if the DEF exceeds 3000.


How to Battle: When each player has summoned a monster the battle starts. Each player combines the ATK and DEF of the monster the one with the most wins. If each player's ATK and DEF are the same combined it's a tie. Good luck and have fun!!!!! Also you will be ranked on how good you are in the the arena. Some tourneys have a required rank that has to be reached to enter. I will send you a private message when you level up. Ranks: 1. Beginner 2. Moderate LV1 3. Moderate LV2 4. Advanced LV1 5. Advanced LV2 6. Advanced LV3 7. Advanced LV4 8. Master 9. Grand Master 10. Ultimate Master [Note: Ultimate master can only be reached by winning specific tourneys.]

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