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Well' date=' many people said this would happen, though for a different reason - I have never cheated and it pains me to know that this sequence of events will most likely discredit the work and accomplishments I have so far attained.


Here is my account of the events that led to my banishment.


After going 8-0 at SJC MN, I felt confident and proud that Chris Bowling and I topped yet another jump, bettering our odds of winning the event. I approached my opponent and politely asked him if he would like to concede the match for a pre-arranged amount. At first, my opponent John Hammond decided to decline my initial offer, though after I proposed a "fun" match to get a feel for one another, I found that his deck was incredibly inconsistent and relatively easy to beat. After losing twice in a row, John sat back in his chair and ruffled through his deck - "Maybe I should just take the money", said John. As I was walking away, backpack ready and loaded, I turn around quickly to respond to his little excerpt. I told him that if he chose to take the offer I made him, it would be the better choice seeing as I main two D.D. Crows, and his future opponents consisted of a mirror match vs. Chris Bowling, Anthony Duke and Paul Levitin's oddly powerful Heraklinos, which would totally ruin his deck. John decided to accept my offer, shook my hand, and quickly walked away after asking me if I would pay him in advance. I said of course not, because he could potentially report me, or not concede the match as he promised to. Later on, John called me to tell me he no longer wanted to partake in the agreement we had made earlier, which I was extremely happy about because I had my phone in hand, LITERALLY, ready to call him to tell him the same thing. Should I have know he was going to report me, I would of vocalized my thoughts, though I found in unnecessary considering he came out and said it first. Big mistake, seeing as he did, in fact report me to UDE. When I arrived the next day to the event, I was pulled aside, told I was disqualified without prize because I had bribed John with $100.00 - I was already feeling terrible about it, so I man'd up and admitted to it; I am simply a player who went undefeated yet again, and made a bad decision to bribe my opponent. I regret it, though I'm not sorry that I got disqualified because I fully deserved it; I am, however, extremely disappointed in myself that I did not have the confidence to win the match - I let the pressure get to my head, and I can sincerely say that I made a grave error. The only thing I can hope for now is not to get banned for 6-10 years, as per the regulated punishment. Thank you



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because he didn't retreat his proposal, his opponent rejected it first then reported... so it seemed that he had all the intention to bribe him, if he would said that he retreat the bribe the same time his opponent rejected it, would be different story...

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because he didn't retreat his proposal' date=' his opponent rejected it first then reported... so it seemed that he had all the intention to bribe him, if he would said that he retreat the bribe the same time his opponent rejected it, would be different story...



The opponent never took the bribe, he merely offered the bribe. I see no problem if the bribe was never accepted.

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