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Guess the Above Context [Skype Game]


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Post a quote or picture of a skype chat you have out of context and the person below has to guess/make up context for the quote/picture. You can respond with how right they were and the actual context later if you want, granted you are also replying to the above user.


Was gonna make this a Misc topic but thought it can be a good game... idk.


I go first, ofc.


[3:21:23 AM] XOXOnotreally: Good, we have a deal
[3:21:29 AM] XOXOnotreally: Now go find the school
[3:21:33 AM] Manolis Gkarmpos: No
[3:21:38 AM] XOXOnotreally: WTF
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  I assume XOXO was bored and wanted to have fun, so they asked Manolis to... entertain them. He refused and somehow XOXO brought the matter to schools. Then they took an answer from Manolis as a deal (probably from asking Manolis something) and the quote above went as is.
  I imagine he somehow gave up and went on with XOXO's play, trying to be as chill as possible.
(is this in-game?)
  Now, my part:

[1:32:12 am] Dova: ohkay
[1:32:17 am] Dova: that I have to admit
[1:32:18 am] Dova: is cool
[1:32:24 am] Dova: even being on the losing side of that
[1:32:32 am] Dova: but the rest of it just makes it hard to bear
[1:33:19 am] Enguin: but you bore it and you're a stronger woman for it
[1:33:33 am] Dova: I didnt
[1:33:35 am] Dova: I gave up
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