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Snipe Hunter:Discussion

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Why should it be banned salty i mean

its a sacrifice a card for a 2/3 shot of hitting

Well, I'm sure the fact that you use his effect more than once can help out in more than one way (whether it be trying to destroy as much of the field as possible or discarding the necessary cards to your grave).

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Targets any card on the field. Can be used as many times as you want. Sixth Sense should remind us all that luck is not a cost. To make the opponent run out of cards, you need very large numbers of cards on the field yourself, so he promotes overextending. As a 1500 ATK DARK Fiend, he's got high searchability and support, so Limiting him isn't much different from Unlimiting him. Takes no skill to use. Promotes mindless OTKs.


Also, Tribe-Infecting Virus should be unbanned.

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