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Skyson's Six Week Showdown [Week 1 winner announced]


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I haven't been around much due to some other circumstances, so I've had to set aside other things I'm doing on here. I figured I may as well get together my own contest of sorts. It's a series of contests in a span of 6 weeks.


This contest is more than a simple "post a card, looks good, you win" deal. You will post one card each week. On Sunday, when I first sign on to YCM, that week's entries are over (I'll make a post to declare the end of that week) and I'll individually grade every single card posted from each person. The winner of that week will win 1 rep. Due to this, anyone who consistently wins all six weeks will earn all six reps from this contest. I don't see that happening, but I could be surprised.




Secret Super Special Awesome Rule 0: Post one card.

1. You can post one card to enter the contest for the given week. After the cards for one week have been graded and the winner is declared, you can post your card for the new week.

* If your post contains more than one card, it will be ignored.

* Only cards posted using image tags or a written card will be accepted. If you don't know how to do an image tag, just type it out. Losing one point for art will not kill you here.


2. This contest's purpose is for grading single cards. Do not post a card that is support for another custom set; however, cards that are support for existing cards (for example, making a "Silent Swordsman LV9" that can be Special Summoned by Tributing "Silent Swordsman LV7") are allowed, though single cards can be more unique usually.


3. Each week lasts from when I end the previous week until Sunday when I log on. I will make a post stating that submissions for the week have ended, and then grade all cards posted for that week.


The Grading Scale (25 points)


First Glance - 3/25

Art: This is something that I could honestly care less about. Have it or don't have it, simple as that. If it's more interesting than a smiley face drawn in Paint, you get the point. Having a written card means you miss out on this one point. Watch out. (1 point)


Name: One point for not having a name that's incoherent or lame, and one point for having a unique or interesting name. Not much to be lost here either. (2 points)


In-Depth - 18/25

OCG: The section that will normally differentiate between the done and well done. Grammar on the card will be broken down as specifically as possible here, and each error will be addressed individually. (6 points)


Balance: A card can be too good, and a card can be watered down to the point of uselessness. To attain balance between a great effect and a reasonable downside is something that a lot of cards lack. Balance between the card's strengths and weaknesses will be broken down here. (7 points)


Utility: A card can have an effect that looks good, but how much use does it actually have when put into the big picture? Situationalness and potential will be looked at here. (5 points)


Post-Examination - 4/25

Uniqueness: "Draw 1 card." will get you a 0 here, I promise. (3 points)


Interest: Of course, if I take the time to assess every single card each week, I have to have some kind of input as to whether or not I personally like the card. (1 point)




The winner of each week receives 1 rep. Win every week to win all the reps. It's as simple as that.




So, this week will be slightly longer than the rest, since I'm starting it today. This week will end on April 27, next Sunday. If I'm not able to get onto YCM on any given Sunday, then that week is considered ended at 12:00 AM EST on Monday, and you can post your card for the next week. I will grade the previous week whenever I can get on next.


Today begins Showdown Week 1. Hopefully this will get some attention. This is largely a benefit to anyone who wants to get an in-depth review on a specific card of theirs.

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Divine Phoenix Helio-Nephthys


This card cannot be Normal Summoned. This card can be placed face-down in your Spell & Trap Card Zone. When "Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys" is Special Summoned by its effect, you can negate its effect and Tribute it by flipping this card face-up. Then, Special Summon this card to your Monster Card Zone. When this card is Special Summoned by this effect, destroy all Spell and Trap cards in your opponent's hand and on his/her side of the field. When this face-up card is destroyed by a card effect, it is returned to your hand.

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[i do not own the artwork used for my cards. I only use them as a means of increasing the overall quality and effect of my work. I do not claim ownership of them.]


got the pick here...




i like to keep things simple, so...




look closely now. don't underestimate its power...

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[spoiler=God Hunter: Mummified Insect - Kozzaro]

Art: Yep. 1/1


Name: Not many insects are mummified. But this one has its own name: Kozzaro. Great. 2/2.


First Glance: 3/3


OCG: The OCG actually looks really good on this card. I don't completely remember if the wording would be "it is treated as an Equip Spell Card" or "equip the selected Fusion Monster to this card as an Equip Spell Card." but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. 6/6


Balance: This card has a small weakness. Since its effect goes off when it's Normal Summoned, the DEF gain is really moot point. The ATK gain will always be impressive for a 4-star that STARTS at 1750. Eating a Fusion Monster with more than 1500 ATK will net it an ATK above 2500, which is pretty powerful in any right. Most Fusion Monsters used today (Evil Heroes, Cyber End, Cyber Twin, Five Headed Dragon, Elemental Heroes, etc) will throw this card over 3000. Cyber End makes this funny. Pay 2000 Life Points to have a 3750 ATK monster? Sure. The downside at the end is a decent shot at balance, but some cards you can pull with this effect can only be Fusion Summoned with the proper fusion materials, so they still couldn't be summoned with this effect. Abusable indeed, but more of the big hitters can be summoned back with this effect. It's semi-balanced, but the positives can easily contrast the downsides. 4/7


Utility: Aside from Evil Heroes, the use of Fusion Monsters has kind of died out. This card looks like nice side deck fodder against Evil Heroes, but it pulls a Fusion out of the Graveyard, and if done right, Evils will swarm you out and kill you before you can pull this off. Decks still running Cyber Twin/End could get wrecked to a degree with this. There's just not many Fusion Monster reliant Decks that this card could be useful against. If it could pull a Fusion out of your own Graveyard (although that could create more sickening combos, lol Fusion Guard) then it would have more utility. Not much use for it curently, though. 1.5/5


In-Depth: 11.5/18


Uniqueness: It's a rather unique idea, Relinquishing a Fusion Monster out of your opponent's Graveyard. For the cost, half the ATK seems reasonable. Pretty sure no other card pulls Fusion Monsters, but the Relinquishing thing is bet done for the full amount by 0 ATKers. lulz. 2.5/3


Interest: It's a fun idea, I'd try it once in a while. 1/1


Post-Examination: 3.5/4


Total Score: 18/25 (72%)



[spoiler=Sionnach: Divine Phoenix Helio-Nephthys]

Art: Golden Wings of Burning Crimson!!!! 1/1


Name: Things that are divine are super awesome. Helio-Nephthys rolls off of the tongue in a really awesome way, for some reason. I love it. 2/2


First Glance: 3/3


OCG: "This card can be Set in 1 of your Spell & Trap Card Zones.", "you can negate its effect and send it to the Graveyard to Special Summon this card from your Spell & Trap Card Zone." (most special summons are special summoned to the monster card zone. <_<) "...destroy all Spell and Trap cards on your opponent's side of the field and in his/her hand." (field before hand, similar to virus cards.) 2.5/6


Balance: When this card would be blown up by Phoenix, take a dump on your opponent, then laugh at them as they look for a monster to beat this 3000 ATK monster. I can see why the effect is so incredible, since pulling this card at the same time as Phoenix would be difficult. Nothing can search this out, so you either have to draw it out or dump-incarnate with Foolish Burial + Monster Reincarnation or something silly. Still, when it hits the field, quite a large boom will happen. If your opponent doesn't take it out by chaining to its effect, they're forced to resort to topdecking Spells/Traps to take it down, since not many monsters will beat this thing in battle. Any effect that takes it down (which is what most opponents will be reduced to using to get rid of this, with no Spells or Traps, xD) will get laughed at, since this goes back to your hand when killed by an effect. The fact that it can be Special Summoned through other means is nice, so you don't always have to rely on pulling Phoenix when you need to (though a dedicated Phoenix deck should be able to pull Phoenix often anyways) so you have a stable 3000 beatstick to pound away with. It's effective how it will return to your hand ANY time its killed with a card effect, not only when Summoned through its effect. Also, oh no, IT CAN BE TRIBUTE SET. WHAAAAAAAT. Overall, a great balance. Strong monster with a strong effect that's only pulled off under a condition. I like it. Still, genociding ALL of your opponent's Spells and Traps is slightly over the edge. Phoenix alone is annoying, but losing all the options you're trying to keep Phoenix from blowing up is terrible. 6/7


Utility: Sacred Phoenix decks are only used by true badasses. This card slips very nicely into a Phoenix Deck. The strongest monster (Nephthys obv) in the Deck normally has only 2400, so a 3000 ATKer to clear out all of the annoyances that can kill Nephthys by battle (Jinzo, Monarchs.. we know them all) will get stomped by this. Being able to be Special Summoned through other means is sweet too. Even in a non-Phoenix deck, a 3000 ATKer that can be Special Summoned and returns to your hand when destroyed by a card effect is pretty hot. Dedicated and undedicated, it's really good. This would be a hilarious option for Skill Drain, since it will come back to your hand regardless. (Skill Drain not negating Graveyard effects = lol) Phoenix Decks would definitely run this, of course. It's a very effective card. 5/5


In-Depth: 13.5/18


Uniqueness: Harpie's Feather Duster on the field and hand in the form of a walking 3000 ATKer that evolves from Sacred Phoenix? Yeah, I think we're missing one of those. Blowing up Spells and Traps is very welcome nowadays. 3/3


Interest: Intense. If I ran a Phoenix Deck (even though I know you do, x[) I would definitely run this. Giant walking Spell and Trap Nuke. YES. 1/1


Post-Examination: 4/4


Total Score: 20.5/25 (82%)



[spoiler=schyshter: Kulo, Protector of the Thundra]I can't make that u on my laptop. >_>


Art: A penguin with abs. I love it. 1/1


Name: I believe the u is pronounced as "ooh," so protector of the Thoondra? <_< Whateva. 2/2


First Glance: 3/3


OCG: "Whenever this face-up Attack Position card battles..." "Discard 1 card from your hand to make the ATK of a monster that battles this card 100.." "during damage calculation only." (damage calculation = not capitalized) 3/6


Balance: Pretty efficient, I guess. You draw a card when it battles, and then you can discard 1 card to Cat's Ear Tribe a monster it battles. Its ATK can't be affected by another card effect, so it can't gain ATK and then automatically destroy monsters it battles, which is nice. It can be put in Defense Position and can essentially not be destroyed by battle, as long as you can discard a card to drop the other monster to 100 ATK. You don't get to draw if this card is in Defense Position, though, which balances out its "Draw then discard" utility. However, unless you combine it with something to save it, you only get to draw one time with its effect if it was in a battle with another monster, since you'll same-ATK-suicide with it. You can attack directly with it and have both players draw, which of course benefits both of you. This is a really balanced draw engine. Both players draw when it battles, and it can only do a maximum of 100 damage at a time. It's not overpowered, for sure. The only potentially broken thing about this card is its main difference against Cat's Ear Tribe: It can reduce the other monster's ATK any time it battles, not just when its attacked. So you can knock out other monsters with this at the same time that you can do it when you're attacked. It's a heavy monster killer if you have the hand to support it. 6/7


Utility: A big combo with this card could be Kishido Barrier. This card could pull off its effect and never be destroyed by battle. Same thing with cards that prevent monsters from being destroyed by battle like Mist Body and Heart of Clear Water. I like the utlility it can have for draw power. But I'm not sure what kind of Deck would run it. Some kind of odd Low Level/Water Deck, maybe? It doesn't seem like a card that could be splashed into any deck, but the effect is nice. 3/5


In-Depth: 12/18


Uniqueness: Two-sided Cat's Ear Tribe that benefits both players with a draw that costs a discard to pull its effect. And an unmodifiable ATK and DEF. Relatively unique. 2.5/3 (3 points)


Interest: I like it a lot. Penguins are ballin. 1/1


Post-Examination: 3.5/4


Total Score: 18.5/25 (74%)



[spoiler=Grayall: Eazalot, Fatile Synchro Lord]

Art: Ok. 1/1


Name: Ease a lot. Fatile like fatal, lolol. Oh boy, Synchros. 2/2


First Glance: 3/3


OCG: "You can add this card to your Deck from your Extra Deck by paying 600 Life Points." Treated, not declared. Space between the period and remove from play. The play in remove from play isn't capitalized. "If its Level is higher than 8," "it is removed from play during the End Phase." Also isn't needed. "This card gains 400 ATK for every card removed from play." Loaded with errors. Loaded. 1.5/6


Balance: Uh... broken. Incredibly. I can't even recall if there are any "Synchro Warrior" monsters out, unless I'm that misinformed. I don't know much about Synchros anyway, but I'm pretty sure that being a Tuner and a Synchro at the same time is lame. It gains 400 ATK for every card that's removed from play. Hidden Gren Maju De Eiza for both sides, lovely. Once per turn, you can go ahead and remove any 4 cards in your Deck from play. That's just grand. If all 4 are monsters, you can pull a Synchro Lord (which I'm pretty sure there are none of, aside from this) from your Deck or hand. If you add all 3 of these from your Extra Deck to your Deck, you can summon this card with this effect. If you summon another one of these with its own effect, you can remove another 4 cards to pull a third, and repeat its effect. That's 12 cards removed from play for 3 4800 ATK monsters and 1 other monster. Great hidden OTK. Oh wait, what the heck does it even need to be a Synchro for? It's a standalone OTK card! 1/7


Utility: I've never seen Synchros in action, but this card being a Synchro is hardly needed. Put 2 into your Deck, Synchro Summon the third, then bring out the other 2, and go for the OTK! This card's utility is great, because it could become its own Deck. "Fatile OTK." I can see it now... 5/5


In-Depth: 7.5/18


Uniqueness: A Tuner and a Synchro, I don't think we have one of those. Can flip to a Tuner, but not back. The removal effect is incredibly broken, but we don't have one of those yet! 2/3


Interest: I hate Synchros, and this doesn't make me like them anymore. 0/1


Post-Examination: 2/4


Total Score: 12.5/25 (50%)



[spoiler=Alexman: Queen of Fire]

Art: Hot. [/pun] 1/1


Name: It's a name, but carries no real factor of interest. 1/2


First Glance: 2/3


OCG: "all FIRE monsters (except this card) gain 700 ATK." "While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot select another FIRE monster as an attack target." Fire is not a type. You at least had gain instead of increase. 1/6


Balance: Prevents all your other Fire monsters from being attacked, and gives them all 700 ATK. That's incredibly abusable to any extent. Having two of these on the field gives you two 3300 ATK monsters that have to be destroyed before you can attack any others. You'll also have all your other fire monsters gain 1400 ATK. That's great. The ATK increase should be toned down, and the conditions for attacking should be cut, probably. This card has no balance at all. 2/7


Utility: I would throw this card in a FIRE Deck and laugh at my opponent who watches me summon multiples and swarm with Raging Flame Sprites and Solar Flare Dragons and loads of other crap. Volcanics would love this card because Slicer becomes a 2400 ATKer, Hammerer becomes 3100, Rocket becomes 2500, etc. It's a fire card for a fire deck. 3/5


In-Depth: 6/18



Uniqueness: Little Chimera + Marauding Captain. Improves both of their gains and makes them into a 2600 ATK monster. Beautiful. 1/3


Interest: Flaming. 0/1


Post-Examination: 1/4


Total Score: 9/25 (36%)






[spoiler=This game's winner is...]

Alexman... 9/25 (36%)

Grayall... 12.5/25 (50%)

God Hunter... 18/25 (72%)

schyshter ... 18.5/25 (74%)

Sionnach... 20.5/25 (82%)





Week two begins now.

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