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bought a tin lately and pulled out these

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Well i bought a few tins last week


and in one tin i found a few secret rare cards

I bought a Volcanic Doomfire tin and got

A secret rare Gravekeeper's Commandant

A secret Rare Doom Shaman

I got a few other secret rares in the other tins but i cant find them right now, there in a few other cases with my other cards.


Do tins normally come with so many secret rares or did i just get lucky?


and on a side note, are these two secret rares even any good?

I do have a Gravekeeper's Deck so the first ones of use to me but eh.

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yeah good pulls i once at a gamming store and I bought a pack and I got and ultimate rare card (can't remember the name of it) then they took it and gave me another pack and i pulled a crap rare card. then the same day I was there they stole my dark sacred phoniex card ( its been a while since they took it and I can't get another so i can't remember the name.)!!!!!!

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