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The Complete Guide for YVD, #iRC, and #mIRC.


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Well, I am making this thread because I believe YVD is a great experience for any YCM Card Maker and is a great way to duel with TCG or even you're own Custom Made cards. Move this if needed.


This Guide Was Originally made by "OneUglyKid"


FOR YVD 8.6!



What is YVD?


YVD stands for Yugioh Virtual Desktop. It is a downloadable program that enables you to duel online by connecting via IP address to other duelists. You can download YVD at this link:




Once you get YVD you will need to visit www.scrollrack.com and obtain the newest card sets and images. When YVD was created the game was up to a certain set (Rise of Destiny). This set and everything before it became the default cards that came with the program. Now whenever a new set comes out you need to go to scrollrack and download that new set's cards and images.


What are the system requirements for YVD?


Windows 98 or higher

100mz Processor and above

16mb of ram or more



So how exactly do I download new card sets?



If you follow these instructions exactly then there should be no problem:


1. Go to www.scrollrack.com.


2. At the top of the homepage click on "Sets Page". You will be taken to a large list of all sets and cards in the game of Yu-Gi-Oh!.


3. At the very top of the list you will see the option "Complete Sets File (for YVD 8.6^)". When you are first starting out, it is far easier to download this instead of getting each individual set. Click "Download" just to the right of this.


4. When the File Download window comes up, click open.


5. A new window with a single icon labeled "yvd.set" at the bottom will come up. In this window, to the left, you will see a Folder Task box. In this box is an option reading "Extract all files". Click on this.


6. An extraction wizard will come up. Click on "next". Now at the top where it says "files will be extracted to this directory", type in: C:\Program Files\YVD. Then click "next". If you are asked if you would like to replace the existing file then say "yes to all".


7. Congratulations, you now have every card in the game. If you don't then just post your problem.


So how exactly do I download new card images?


If you follow these instructions exactly then there should be no problem (it doesn't take nearly as long as it looks):


1. First you have to make a folder in which to place the new images in. You must go to the YVD folder. To do this click "Start". Then go to the "Control Panel". At the top there is an address bar. Type in "C:\Program Files\YVD" (without the ""). Then click "go".


2. Once you are there click on the Image File Folder. You should come to a page with a bunch of different folders with pictures in them.


3. To make a new folder go to "File". Then select "New". Now at the top of that list click on "folder". A new empty folder will appear with all the others.


4. You must rename this file to stay organized. To do this, right click on the empty folder, select "Rename" and then name it after whatever images you are going to download (remember that only one set images go in a folder). Lets asume you are getting Cybernetic Revolution. You would name this file "CRV".


5. Keep in mind that this folders location name would be

"C:\Program Files\YVD\Images\CRV" (again, without the ""). You will need this in a minute or two. You are ready to download the images.


6. Go to www.scrollrack.com


7. Click on "Images Page" at the very top.


8. Find the image file that you want to download and click "download" just to the right of it.


9. Click "open" when the "file download" window comes up. A new window with many little icons should come up.


10. In this window to the left there is a "Folder Task Box". In this box is an option that says "extract all files". Click on this.


11. An Extraction Wizard should come up. When it does, click "next".


12. In this part of the extraction wizard there should be some high-lighted text underneath "Files will be extracted to this directory". Basically, they want to know where to send all this stuff.


13. Replace this high-lighted text with the location of that new folder you created a second ago. It would be C:\Program Files\YVD\Images\CRV. Once you type this in click "extract".


15. You will now have the images that you downloaded ready to go.



So how do I duel on YVD?


Dueling on YVD is pretty simple. You have two choices when you find an opponent to duel: you can host the duel (not everybody can do this), or you can connect to your opponent.


In order to host the duel you must give your IP address to your opponent. At the main dueling screen you will see a button labeled "listen" on the left. Click on this. Then simply click "listen" again and wait for your opponent to connect to you. Keep in mind that you must be "listening" before your opponent tries to connect to you.


Connecting is just as easy. Have your opponent give you their IP address. Make sure they are "listening". Then go to the main dueling screen. Click on "connect" (it is just under "listen"). Eneter their IP address where it is labeled "Opponent's IP". Then click "connect". You should connect to your opponent and you can start the duel.


Here are some of the basic controls when dueling:


Ctrl + S = Shuffle your deck.


Ctrl + D = Draw a card.


Ctrl + K = Search your deck.


Ctrl + F = Flip a coin.


Ctrl + R = Roll the dice.


Ctrl + G = Search your graveyard.


Ctrl + I = Search your Removed From Game cards.


Ctrl + W = Draw and show card.


Ctrl + E = End your turn.



How do I calculate damage on YVD?


There are several ways to do this, but there is one way that is easier than the others.


Lets say that your opponent has just scored a direct attack with Sangan. You will lose 1000 life-points because that is the attack of Sangan. To modify your life-points simply type in "/sub 1000" (without the "" but with the space between sub and 1000) where you chat with your opponent. You will automatically lose 1000 points from your life-point count.


It's almost the same if you were to gain life-points. Lets say you played Dian Keto the Cure Master. You will gain 1000 life-points, so you would type in "/add 1000" (again, without the "" but with the space between add and 1000).



When I start YVD and click "duel", it simply stops. What do I do?


This is by far the most common problem that I see. Fortunately it is also the easiest problem to fix. When this happens all you have to do is press ctrl+alt+delete. You will see that YVD is "running". Just click "end task" until it shows that YVD has stopped "running" and you should be good to go.





Hope This Is Helpful

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