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2) Maybe they have some sort of chemical that they release into the blood to act of a sort of antifreeze?

Sorry reptiles are not on our exam board

3) Squirrels due to smaller body mass to surface area ration so they lose heat easier. The heart must pump blood quicker to supply oxygen for respiration to produce heat. Also a squirrel is more metabolicly active than a sheep

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1) The heart of an amphibian has two atriums, compared to the fish's one. This is like our heart, in that one atrium is devoted to the lungs while the other is for the entire body. The fish doesn't have lungs; therefore, they do not require a second atrium.


And I'm just in middle school... Kewl, I knew this. ^_^

Don't have a clue for the others...

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You have to relate it to amphibians way of life, so i expect you could say the above and:

An amphibian lives in water and on land. This puts extra strain on its circulatory system as it must adapt to the 2 conditions. Having a second atrium allows blood to be pumped around the body at a higher pressure and quicker which allows oxygen to reach where it is needed quicker

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Ah i think i might have found your answer to number one:

Lizards can hibernate in periods of extreme cold. When this happens they curl up under the ice to protect themselves from the wind. Curling in a ball reduces surface area meaning that less heat is lost. Also the lizard is less metabolic active when it is hibernating so this causes heat to be used up less.

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