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image blocker

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okay well with all these inappropriate pictures being posted by idiots i think if possible we need some sort of image blocker/filter, or we need to make it so in order for an image to be posted it has to be approved.

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Guest JoshIcy

that could happen, but... if the url isnt direct it would seem impossible. and if its from your computer how would you prevent that?

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From my experience on forums...your request is simply not possible. The closest possible thing to what you're talking about is Moderator Approved Posting which means that every single post that would be made to the forums would have to be read and approved by the Mods/Admins...which is so impracticle it's not even worth considering. If you were to attempt to use the word filter to remove certain images then that wouldn't work either because all someone would have to do is rename a pic like the one from today to something like "happyteddybears.png" and they could bypass it.


The best way to take care of a problem like the one from earlier today is to have everyone prepaired for it to happen and able to react quickly to minimize damage. For regular members this means that when you see something like that you check the online list and PM a link to a Mod/Admin(I don't know how fast the "report" button is on this forum because ours doesn't work that well so we dissabled it). Then, instead of foolishly posting replies in the thread that contains the offensive images(which bumps the thread so more people are exposed to it) you find a thread in the same forum and add a reply to that post instead. This will bump the nonoffensive thread to the top of the forum index shortcuts and, somewhat, bury the offensive post so less people are exposed to it. Once that's done you just have to wait for someone with power to ban the loser but the little things can actually do alot in helping to mask the problem until it can be removed.

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well i know there is a way to block proxies from giving access to your site because i used to be on and rpg site where you couldn't enter from a proxy (couldn't enter it from school)


so that is what this site needs as well

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Report Button is 2 sec after sending response time may be hell.

The Bumping hasnt worked

and they ban the idiot and he uses a proxy 2 get bak

Line for line...

-Hence the reason we don't use it on my forum.

-It's a better recommendation to the regular memebers than starting multiple "OMG BAN HIM" threads. ;)

-9 times out of 10...the nimrod either doesn't know how to do this or they simply don't bother. Also, if this forum has it, it's not too hard for those with access to the validation viewing to be able to spot the "mysterious" application of multiple accounts in a short period of time.

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a proxy site is something used to get around site filters ex: when your at school and they block all the game websites a proxy would get you there unless the site has a proxy blocker or if you school blocked proxy sites (mine does)

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Guest KAJN

It's nearly impossible the only way is to make the card first go to YCMaker then if he accepts to let in the card, the card will appear.

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thanks for shooting down my idea (its ok i was already told of its flaws)


and thats why i suggested a proxy blocker, if ycmaker were to put one of those in then it would be easier to ban IP addresses.

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