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Nameless poem


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Why am I blinded?

By: Matt *Chaos_Remix*


What is this blank feeling,

Why does it feel like I fell into the abyss,

Nothing to grab, nothing to see,

What is with this bliss.

All I know is no longer,

My arms shattered,

My legs as stiff as a christmas tree.

Maybe its because of all I've done,

Or maybe its for what I was going to do,

I wish i could see that sun,

That sun that glows bright,

For the delight that it brought with its light.

I Can't see through the darkness anymore,

My corruption everlasting,

Is this the end, or is the beginning.

I wish I could see you again,

Only if it was when,

Before we got to write.


Edit: Name is just temp for now

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