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how to make holo in your card (sorry this should be in the help and tutorial side)

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first you should have a adobe photoshop cs2 or cs3 then you should follow this steps:


Step 1 save any of this pictures







tep 2 open one of them in adobe photoshop by pressing Alt+Ctrl+O or browse. and simply click on your holo



Step 3 after the picture opens, click on edit (top left) and then define pattern



Step 4 name it anything you like



Step 5 close the holo and open your card (again ctrl+alt+O)




Step 6 then press m for the rectangular marquee tool.



Step 7 make a square with the rectangular thing on the place you want it holo.



step 8 right click inside the square and press fill


Step 9 when its says custom pattern click the arrow and click the holo



step 10when it says blending click the arrow in mode and then soft light



step 11 then change the opacity to anything you like which fits your card


step 12 then save as by pressing ctrl+shift+s


step 13 congratulations! you made your first holo card


sorry i dont hav the right pics

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