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Something people have forgotten

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Having a good combo, or good cards in your deck is fine and good, but sometimes you may find yourself with a dead hand.


The secret to making a successfull deck is to be able to work with every single possible hand.


This is why low level toolboxes are successful, every card you draw can be played. Decks loaded with miscellanious tributes(there is never a situation I can think of where a double tributes worth it anyhoo)lead to dead hands. Decks with situation cards, even if they are for fusions ect. can result in a dead hand and a loss.


That is all, just a reminder.

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Thanks for the insightful contribution.


You're level of sarcasm was much lower than mine would have been.



But yeah, thanks for the reminder.

Maybe it's just my luck, but I always find myself with dead hands with my CB deck.

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... I think you missed the point. It's not about hand control. It's about putting easily accessible monsters (and for that matter, spell/traps) in the deck. Cards like... um... well... say, Gate Guardian. That card's situational. It's a dead draw 99 times out of 10. (No typo there. It's that damn bad). You'll either draw it when you don't need it, or on the WAAAYYY outside chance you get the three of them on the field, you'll never draw this. chaoserver means that sometimes it's good to sacrifice raw power in exchange for being able to use you smaller monsters more efficiently, more effectively, and quicker.




Pot of Greed is NEVER a bad draw.

D-Hero Malicious can SOMETIMES be a bad draw.

Valkyrion, the Magna Warrior is a bad draw MOST of the time.

Anti-Raigeki is ALWAYS a bad draw.


So therefore, xe (gender-neutral pronoun referring to chaoserver) means that the easier your cards can be put into play and used, the better.

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Very, very nicely put. For example, on these forums few acknowledge cards such as wildheart and hydroggedon as good, however no matter what you draw it, you can play it. With cards like shrink with those you can slap it down and go, rather than needing to wait for your opponent to make a move or draw a certain card yourself.

Granted some good cards require minimal setup. Gigantes/Fenrir are great, but require a certain type in the graveyard, which if you draw it and magics on first turn isn't so great. Same with POA early, but sometimes the benefits of these cards outweigh the negative aspects.

All up to the player, but regardless the truckloads of tributes I've seen of late are never good.

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when i play my Necrofear Return deck, every hand i can get is playable, except for one time when my first hand was 3 Dark Necrofear, Great Maju Garzett, Premature Burial, and Call of the Haunted. Luckily on my next turn i drew Magical Mallet. :D

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