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Veteran Maker Organization ~ CLOSED due to lack of online time


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Thanks Hunter. It's nice to finally be in this group in an official capacity. What was your opinion about my 2 suggestions?


In all honesty, the clubs/organizations on YCM are mostly horrific(there are some notable exceptions, this being one of them). The entire concept appears to be nothing more than an afterthough since most groups start, have no direction, and fade into the postless inactive void. Considering the mental firepower we have at our disposal in this roster, I see the chance to do more than simply raise the overall quality of the forums(which is a nice goal, don't get me wrong). In the past I've started the groups that rose to be the standard bearers on certain forums and I see that kind of potential from all of you and the best part is I don't have to be the leader this time(sometimes it's nice to just play soldier). If we can keep the ideas coming and form this into an actual functioning contribution to the forums then there is the chance that the example set in this thread could lead to a chain reaction of other solid groups popping up which would raise the clubs/organizations subforum out of the cellar of the forum and make it something far greater than it currently is at this state. All forums are plagued with noobs and being based heavily in a popular children's activity only increases this problem(TRUST ME, I KNOW). The thing to remember is that the noobs, although seemingly neverending, lose interest quickly and fade so if the core is strong enough...things go get better. the way I see it, the VMO needs to be that core.


[/mini-rant] angel.gif

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I'm going to be a little busy this week because I'm off from work while my wife goes in for multiple surgeries. I have been, however, working on converting one of the sigs I created for the VMO into my own personal sig and that will replace my current one when I complete it.


As for the art thing. I believe, could be wrong here, that Shini was looking for us to make a set of pieces that could be used, essentially, as tags(like Graffiti Tags) for us to use on the forums and leave our make in a more visual fashion. Off the top of my head, I would think that a completed art set for the VMO would be...


-Base Sig

-Alternate Base Sig

-Set of VMO Smilies(which would tie into the overall theme)

-Personal Member Sigs which would use one of the two Base Sigs as...well...a base.

-A small square Mini-Banner to be used a kind of like an "official stamp" for our sanctioned events.


What I would propose is that we pull together the current created sigs for the VMO, let those who want to take a stab at it make additional submissions, and then start hammering the stuffings out of them with critiques and votes until we have 1 that we agree has the look/style/theme we want. Once this is accomplished and we have a solid theme/look then it's not a huge deal to make the other stuff. ;)

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It's been a few hours so I should be ok to make this post. If not, then I appologize. I just wanted you all to see this one since it's a tad more than my usual, "I'm making posts in your threads" post. ;)


I am running my 1st contest and would be honored if all of you would take the time to participate.


Enigma's Anime Contest(with a twist)


Thanks in advance. :D

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OK, before i go into the wild wild world of spriting and take all the time and effort to make this happen...I want some serious member feedback. With the exception of the mafia sillouette and the Enigma Body(which I took and recolored from Phoenix Wright ;) ) this set was done by hand....my hand. This means two very important things.


1. If there's any area that's not liked...I can change it.

2. I can, within reason, make personal sigs for everyone in this group.


All I'm asking in return...is alot of honest feedback before I proceed. Here's what I've got.




P.S. Hunter, I'm using a VMO Sig and Avatar...that's points, right? :D



UPDATE: I was bored and thought it would be interesting to play around with doing another one of these so I chose God Hunter's prescious Magician as my next sugject. Here's the results...



Now that there are two of them to compare and contrast it becomes somewhat clearer, I hope, to see in which direction I'm heading with this concept. So let's make with the feedback. :P

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OK, before i go into the wild wild world of spriting and take all the time and effort to make this happen...I want some serious member feedback. With the exception of the mafia sillouette and the Enigma Body(which I took and recolored from Phoenix Wright ;) ) this set was done by hand....my hand. This means two very important things.


1. If there's any area that's not liked...I can change it.

2. I can, within reason, make personal sigs for everyone in this group.


All I'm asking in return...is alot of honest feedback before I proceed. Here's what I've got.




P.S. Hunter, I'm using a VMO Sig and Avatar...that's points, right? :D



UPDATE: I was bored and thought it would be interesting to play around with doing another one of these so I chose God Hunter's prescious Magician as my next sugject. Here's the results...



Now that there are two of them to compare and contrast it becomes somewhat clearer, I hope, to see in which direction I'm heading with this concept. So let's make with the feedback. :P

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Playing the odds here, I'm going to guess you're referring to me, Splice. Did I do something wrong? If I did, I assure you it wasn't intentional(since I have no idea what you're talking about which means I'm still unaware :lol:)


Also, for future reference (at least as far as this thread goes). I'm a big boy so please don't tread lightly if I screw up. Just be blunt and point it out(bonus points if it's funny).

I'd much rather read about someone jumping up and down, pointing their finger, and screaming,"He did it! He did it! Enigma screwed up!" than I would to read the previous post in this thread and have to try to play Sherlock Holmes to figure out if I did, in fact, do something wrong or if it's a comment that I'm just reading that into...which would make me look foolish if I were to write out a reply...that...guesses...and...is...CRAP IN A HAT, I'm already writing that reply. Oh well, here's hoping I'm not wrong. :D

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Oh noes...

I'm sorry enigma...i didn't mean for it to be directed towards you...

i was asking, so i can get more EXP...:twisted:

i can't be the lowest EXP in this club...

well...not lowest...but i want to be the highest...:twisted:


lol...sorry if you misinterpreted me...^_^

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