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Exodia Deck

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I know there are many problems with this deck. I just made it and haven’t been able to duel with it yet cuz my brother refuses to duel me… (He can only win 1/20)

Please help me fix it.



1x Exodia Head

1x Exodia left arm

1x Exodia Right arm

1x Exodia left leg

1x Exodia right leg

1x Grand mole

1x penguin soldier

1x gyroid

1x obnoxious celtic guardian

1x emissary of the afterlife

1x ancient lamp

1x fox fire

2x d-hero defender

3x dark mimic lv 1


1x labyrinth wall

1x Neo Aqua mador

1x blowback dragon




1x Jam Breeding Machine

1x Level Limit Area B

1x Swords of revealing light

1x Dark door

1x Magical Mallet

2x DD capsule

2x Dark factory of mass production




1x gravity bind

1x Astryl Barrier

1x Spirit Barrier

1x the grave of enkindling

1x shadow spell

1x Damage condenser

1x Skill drain

1x skull lair

3x ordeal of a traveler


total = 40

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You should get 3 Mystic Tomatoes and a Sangan, 3 Pyramid Turtles, 3 Nimble Momongas, (3 Giant Germs?), another D-Hero Defender, and a Guardian Sphinx.


Also, you might want to add one, maybe two, Appropriates. With those and 3 D-Hero Defenders, you're opponent draws 3 extra cards and you draw two cards for every 1 card they draw outside of their Standby Phase. You draw 6 cards on their turn! And if you have 2 Appropriates out, thats 12 cards. With 3, 18 freakin' cards!

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i will probably do lots of those when i get a chance. i just cant take my yugiohh cards back out and spread them all over looking 4 those cards till thursday - my moms a clean freak and we have my dads sister coming to the house....


but heres something no1 sudgested i might want to use. is it good: spirit reapers!

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You should get a couple cards like Pot of Avarice, Jar of Greed, and Upstart Goblin. Once you draw them, you can immediately play them (except Jar of Greed) and draw more cards. Since there's a minimum of 40 cards in your deck, they're basically just waste cards, so you can draw Exodia faster. If somehow you have to discard exodia, Pot of Avarice really helps!


Maybe add a Wall of Revealing Light too.

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