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oh I'm so angry super angry. okay I've cooled down this can be locked


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I know this is shallow and unimportaunt but I love this little pizza reseraunt way across town actuly in a whole ether town any way it takes like 40 miutes to get there but it's still my favorite place to eat anyway I know the lady who owns the place and she knows every one in my faimly I used to go there every friday and order the same thing a calzone with the same things inside it right any way it's been months since I had time to actuly go there any way I finnaly get unuff time to go there and order the same thing and after the 80 minutes it took to go there and back I was about to eat my calzone and they got the order wrong and i was pissed I meen I haven't had A chance to eat all day thanks to work and other activeitys and I'm actuly alergec to the stuff the put in it (and not the I'll get a rash alergic I meen i could die alergic) so i have to wait another 80 minutes to go back and get onther so it's gonna be like 10:00 o'clock at night before I get to eat no again I relize this is a little shallow and unimportaunt but still it makes me mad

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no this isen't the average resteraunt it's a little faimly buissness for the lady who owns it

and I used to go there all the time and I ordered the same thisg every time


no ones


we all make mistakes

its just second nature to check something someone gives you ....


like I said I ordered the same thing every time after the 10th time I just stoped checking

Edit: you know what it might have been that I was just hungry thats what probly made me mad oh well

the very first line in the whole rant is "I know this is shallow and unimportaunt"

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