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I wanted to make a custom quick-play spell card that says "pay half your LP and tribute 1 "Cyber Dragon" you control; Special Summon 1 "Cyber Twin Dragon" from your extra deck, ignoring it's summoning conditions", but I can't activate it. Can someone help me fix the script? Here's what it currently looks like:


function s.initial_effect(c)
    local e1=Effect.CreateEffect(c)


function s.costfilter(c)
    return c:IsCode(70095154)
function s.cost(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp,chk)
    if chk==0 then return Duel.CheckLPCost(tp,math.floor(Duel.GetLP(tp)/2)) and Duel.CheckReleaseGroup(tp,s.costfilter,1,nil) end
    local sg=Duel.SelectReleaseGroup(tp,s.costfilter,1,1,nil)
function s.filter(c,e,tp)
    return c:IsCode(74157028) and c:IsCanBeSpecialSummoned(e,0,tp,true,true)
function s.target(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp,chk)
    if chk==0 then return Duel.GetLocationCount(tp,LOCATION_MZONE)>-1
        and Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(s.filter,tp,LOCATION_EXTRA,0,1,nil,e,tp) end
function s.operation(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp)
    if Duel.GetLocationCount(tp,LOCATION_MZONE)<=0 then return end
    local g=Duel.SelectMatchingCard(tp,s.filter,tp,LOCATION_EXTRA,0,1,1,nil,e,tp)
    if g:GetCount()>0 then

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