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The Female Of Destiny


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I present to you, an original idea created by myself. The first FEMALE Destiny Hero, I thought what the heck, I'll turn this old idea into an actual card via the card maker, so yeah.



Destiny Hero - Black Mistress

6 Stars

Dark Attribute



DEF: 900

Text Description: This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. If a monster with "Destiny Hero" in its name is destroyed as a result of battle, add a D-Counter to this card, for each D-Counter on this card this card gains 400 attack points. In addition by discarding 5 D-Counters from this card you may destroy every monster on the field except this one, the turn in which this effect is activated this monster cannot attack.



Destiny Hero's Mistress Call

Continous Trap

Trap Card

Text Description: This card may only be activated if a "Destiny Hero - Black Mistress" exists on your side of the field. You may special summon as many monsters with "Destiny Hero" in their names as possible to your side of the field into face-up defense position. If this card is destroyed send any monsters special summoned by this effect to the graveyard.

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nice pics but... BROKEN!!!!! :shock: the first card has no limit to the attack it can gain and, with its other effect, is invincible. the next card doesnt do anything to prevent that... it makes things worse


you didnt say what would happen if there werent enough monsters on the card either


usefulness 10/10 (its broken)

realisticness 1/10

overall 4/10


not too good...

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First off welcome to YCM...

Secondly, who doesn't like these cards?? how did you get a rating of 2 1/2 :O... I like these cards (my style of artwork thats why). 1 of the few people apart from myself that I see using this kind. But everything else is good too... Maybe it's just your Avril avatar but I like these, and thats saying something when it's coming from me (cos most other times it's negative. lol). See you in a couple of days via the Card Maker Club. Laters

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