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Yu-Gi-Oh Fan Fic "Duel Academy: The Untold Stories!" THE FIRST EPISODE IS HERE!


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Ok, so this is my first Fan Fic, so don't expect it to be that good. It takes place at the same time as Yu-Gi-Oh! GX but doesn't include Jaden, Syrus etc. I am using some GX characters from season one (because that is when mine is taking place) like Professor Banner, Dr. Crowler (sadly, but he doesn't have a big part, he is just a professor) and Chancellor Sheppard.


The story follows two best friends that (they didn't meet at Duel Academy, they new eachother from back home) start at the bottom and work their way up to become some of the school's best duelist's. But it will not be an easy journey!


Here Is a little bit about the main characters.


Name: Jonathan Gudo


Bio: A little tall for his age, long dirty blonde hair with streaks of brown, very light skin.

Dorm: Slifer Red

Deck Type: Six Samurai

Favorite Card: Gilford The Legend

Personality: Gets good grades, quiet, shy but tough when it comes to dueling, though he is not very good, he is always looking for a duel.


Name: Paul Murdocca

Age: 15

Bio: Short and skinny, black long hair, tan skin.

Dorm: Slifer Red

Deck Type: Volcanic

Favorite Card: Volcanic Hammerer

Personality: His grades aren’t so good; he is a strong duelist with a lot of self-confidence, but is very shy


They are kind of picked on (like any slifer) but they are here to show the world that they aren't just a two screw-ups.


Jonathan’s Deck



Gilford The Legend

The Six Samurai – Zanji

The Six Samurai - Kamon

The Six Samurai - Nisashi

The Six Samurai - Yaichi

The Six Samurai - Yariza

The Six Samurai – Irou

Grandmaster of the Six Samurai

Great Shogun Shien

Shien’s Footsoldier X3

Mystic Swordsman LV2

Mystic Swordsman LV4

Mystic Swordsman LV6

Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke

Obnoxious Celtic Guardian

Marauding Captain

Armed Samurai - Ben Kei




Reinforcement Of The Army X2

The Warrior Returning Alive X2

Shien's Castle Of Mist

Field Barrier

Axe Of Despair X3



Breakthrough! X2

Backs To The Wall X2

Swift Samurai Storm! X2

Sakuretsu Armor X2

Call Of The Haunted

Compulsory Evacuation Device

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Yu-Gi-Oh! “Duel Academy: The Untold Stories!”


Episode One: “When Dueling Get’s Serious”


Jonathan Gudo is a tall 15-year-old boy with dirty blonde hair with streaks of brown in it. Jonathan gets good grades and loves dueling, which is the reason he even wanted to go to Duel Academy, but he isn’t a very good duelist. Jonathan’s best friend Paul had already passed his entrance exams and was eagerly waiting to see if Jonathan would pass.


Jonathan was losing his entrance duel, and was starting to feel nervous. He only had an “Exiled Force” and a “Mystic Swordsman LV2” on the field in attack mode, a “Swords Of The Revealing light” and one face-down trap card. The Duel Proctor had a giant 2700 and Jonathan was only left with a measly 400, it all depended on his next draw.


Duel Proctor: “My turn, I sacrifice my “Luster Dragon” to summon one of my most powerful monsters! The “Red-Eyes Black Dragon” in attack mode! I then end my turn, which means that your “Swords Of Revealing Light” are destroyed.”

Jonathan: “It all depends on what I draw here, or my dreams of being a great duelist will be crushed.” “Okay my turn, yes! Exactly what I needed. Okay, first I reveal my face-down trap “Backs To The Wall”, which lets me pay Life Points until I have 100 left, and I can then special summon two Six Samurai monsters from my grave, arise Nisashi and Yaichi. Next I sacrifice my two monsters to summon my favorite card! “Gilford The Legend” in attack mode! He lets me bring back all equip cards back from the grave and equip them to warriors on my side of the field, and since I have to Axe Of Despair’s in my graveyard. I will equip one to Nisashi and one to Yaichi. Now, Gilford super slash that dragon! (Proctor’s points drop to 2500) Now my samurai’s finish him off! Samurai Fury Attack!”

Duel Proctor: “Nice duel, kid! And welcome to Duel Academy!”

Jonathan: “Wow, I actually did it!”


As Jonathan made his way up back up to the stands, his friend Paul greeted him.


Paul: “Awesome we both got in!”

Jonathan: “Yeah, I can’t believe it.”

Paul: “Hey, look at that kid that just got here.”

Jonathan: “Looks like he is a little to late.”

Paul: “Uh-Oh, look he’s dueling… Dr. Crowler!”


Jonathan and Paul were excited now. But they didn’t realize that this wasn’t going to be some walk in the park.

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