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Marvel hero cards>>all new

New Era

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glactus is overpowered tribute 3 spells what about tributing 3 spells and 1 trap, i like how you use gambit as like a card monster i was hoping for him to use cards as weapons like tribute a card from your hand to dealt 500 lp to your opponents life points only can be used once a turn, and i like how ghost riders effect is kinda like using his bike to go past the monsters and go directly to the opponents lp,and i like how everytime the hulk get attacked it gets angrier and angrier very good,i don't like husk though too risky, ironman should be a 5 star right now its overpowered,silver surfer too overpowered if you can summon it with galactus make it have a side effect like pay lp or something, venom should be way stronger and wheres spiderman?

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