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bury the year

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Here's how it works. Post 3 random facts about yourself. Two must be true, and one must be a lie. (Write which one is the lie in a spoiler, or hide it in an inconspicious way.) The person below must guess which one is a lie, and then check after. I'll start!

Number 3 is a lie

1) When I was born, my leg was stuck behind my head.

2) I did ice skating for 6 years.

3) I'm fluent in French.

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Guest JoshIcy

You can control the wind is a lie....


-My hair changes color based on the amount of light and stays that way for a week.


-My hair cannot grow down at all, as i have had it at about 5inches upward and it does not droop.


-My hair is coarse and rough, it does not allow any water into it. Very rigid.


(lol gl, there are about 10 people on this site that might know the answer)...

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You can control the wind is a lie....


-My hair changes color based on the amount of light and stays that way for a week.


-My hair cannot grow down at all' date=' as i have had it at about 5inches upward and it does not droop.


-My hair is coarse and rough, it does not allow any water into it. Very rigid.


(lol gl)...



Stop defying the laws of physics and help me build my time machine.

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Guest JoshIcy

actually Hawaiian hair grows like that lol, just take a seemingly educated guess..


Hint: I have an extreme love for canines, and it shows in my physical characteristics...

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Guest JoshIcy

wrong lol, my hair changes to yellow after a few hours in the sun. After a day my hair becomes red, then a strange green color....

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Guest JoshIcy

yeah thats it lol, my hair is like a well groomed dogs fur. Good to pet and groom.... and I am talking about the hair on my head lol, i take great care for it to get that right texture....

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